Training Schemes and Micro-credentials


A training scheme or a micro-credential is applied for under the Training Scheme Rules 2012 or approval of an industry training micro-credential under the Consent to Assessment Against Standards on the Directory of Assessment Standards Rules 2011.

A training scheme or a micro-credential can be listed at any New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF) level.

It is expected that most micro-credentials be will co-created between end-users and education organisations in response to new and unmet skill needs.

For example:

  • skills related to new technology
  • updating existing competencies to maintain currency
  • skill gaps
  • continuing professional development.

Development and approval process

Developing a new training scheme or micro-credential involves working directly with industry and stakeholders to establish the need for the development. You will need to gather evidence to support and submit a business case. Once approval is given, the development process begins:

What is a training scheme?

A training scheme is defined in section 159 of the Education Act 1989 as study and training that leads to an award but does not, of itself, lead to a qualification listed on the New Zealand Qualification Framework (NZQF).

A training scheme can be at any NZQF level and can provide a range of academic or vocational learning opportunities. A training scheme is a coherent arrangement of learning or training. It is based on clearly linked aims, outcomes, content and assessment practices.

A training scheme leads to an award, but does not, of itself, lead to an award of a qualification on the NZQF. A training scheme can be up to 40 credits (although there are some exceptions) and has no minimum value.

Unless the training scheme meets exemption criteria, approval is mandatory for institutions that propose to enrol an international student on a training scheme.

Institutions can choose whether they wish to apply for approval of training schemes that enrol only domestic students.

Training scheme rules

NZQA has made Training Scheme Rules that apply to institutions seeking approval under section 251 of the Education Act 1989.

Training scheme guidelines

NZQA Guidelines for applying for approval of a training scheme or micro-credential provide guidance to non-university tertiary education institutions seeking training scheme approval.

What is a micro-credential?

A micro-credential certifies achievement of a set of skills and knowledge. It must meet the requirements of a training scheme as well as these additional requirements:

  • have demonstrable evidence of need from employers, industry and/or community
  • typically it does not duplicate current quality-assured learning approved by NZQA
  • be reviewed annually to confirm the micro-credential continues to meet its intended purpose
  • be 5–40 credits in size.

An industry training micro-credential consists of one or more assessment standards listed on the Directory of Assessment Standards which certifies the achievement of a specific set of skills and knowledge in workplace training. It must also meet the additional requirements above.

All micro-credentials must include appropriate assessment activities to provide confidence the learner has achieved the learning outcomes at the appropriate NZQF level.

Applying for approval of a training scheme or micro-credential

Educational organisations are required to provide information that will allow NZQA to evaluate the application against the Training Scheme Rules 2012 or the Consent to Assessment Against Standards on the Directory of Assessment Standards Rules 2011.

Applicants are required to complete the Training Scheme Application Template which includes:

  • a self-assessment report that answers relevant evaluation questions
  • a Training Scheme/Micro-credential document

It is important the application is complete and includes all necessary information as NZQA will not request further information when quality assuring a micro-credential.

Note: An approved training scheme or micro-credential can lead to the award of a ’certificate’. However, the title of a training scheme or micro-credential cannot contain a protected qualification term such as ‘New Zealand Certificate’, ‘diploma’ or ‘degree’.

Self-assessment Report

The self-assessment report should illustrate how the education organisation is confident it has included sufficient information and evidence to answer the evaluation questions.

The self-assessment report should describe:

  • capability and resources required (i.e. human, physical, and teaching and learning)
  • the overall structure, as delivered, including the assessment schedule
  • if relevant, evidence of the formal arrangements made with the developer (where this is not the applicant) to deliver the training scheme or the micro-credential
  • evidence of approval by the education organisation Academic Board.

Where the training scheme or the micro-credential is jointly owned, the lead education organisation will submit the report.

Training Scheme/Micro-credential Document

The applicant must submit documentation that shows the training scheme or the micro-credential:

  • meets the definition and all mandatory requirements
  • has been developed to match the identified needs of intended students, industry, community and employers
  • is structured in a coherent way to achieve the intended learning outcomes
  • has components that are mapped to the training scheme or micro credential outcomes
  • each component describes how the learning meets the learning outcomes.

Generic requirements for a training scheme or micro-credential

Additional requirements for a micro-credential application

  • Evidence the micro-credential is required or supported by relevant industries, employers or communities
  • Evidence of the unmet skills needs the micro-credential is addressing
  • Evidence the micro-credential is adding to current learning, typically it does not duplicate current quality-assured learning approved by NZQA.

Applications under the Consent to Assess Against Standards Rules

If an application is made under the Consent to Assessment Against Standards on the Directory of Assessment Standards Rules 2011 then the following must be included:

  • Identification of the standards to be assessed in the micro-credential
  • An explanation of the coherence of those standards as an individual learning package
  • Evidence of consultation and the response of the standard setting bodies whose standards will be assessed in the micro-credential
  • Evidence the applicant has been granted consent to assess for the standards referred to in the micro-credential.

Specific Information to be included in the Training Scheme/Micro-credential application

The application provides an outline of the overall learning to be undertaken and includes:

Purpose – A statement of the purpose of the training scheme or micro-credential and the overall outcome to be achieved.

For micro-credentials the purpose statement identifies the unmet skill needs being met.

Learning Outcomes – The learning outcomes describe the specific knowledge, skills, understanding and attitudes a learner will achieve through each component of the training scheme or micro-credential.

Assessment – Assessment methods should be appropriate for the modes of delivery, the level of learning, and the outcomes.

Assessment needs to be fair, valid, consistent and appropriate. It must accurately assess whether the learner has met the required skills, knowledge and attitudes.

The internal and external moderation processes should be appropriate to the delivery of the training scheme or the micro-credential.

Capability and resources – Provide a statement that shows how the education organisation will supply sufficient physical, teaching and learning resources that are appropriate to the methods of delivery.

Where relevant, the arrangements for workplace training need to enable the learner to achieve the outcomes.

Teaching and learning approach – A brief description of the teaching and learning approaches is included.

Practical and workplace requirements – A description of how the education organisation intends to meet any practical and workplace requirements.

Also submit evidence of formal arrangements made with employers and other organisations to meet these practical and workplace requirements.

Other specific requirements – The report may also include specific requirements that relate to providing the training scheme or micro-credential.

NZQA evaluative approach to approval

The decision to approve a training scheme or a micro-credential is made by answering the evaluation questions:

How well does the development match the intended outcomes and purpose?

To what extent does the education provider have the ongoing capability and resources to support sustained delivery of the approved training scheme or micro-credential?

NZQA reviews the information and evidence provided in the self-assessment report (where applicable) and other information provided to determine if it is sufficient to show how the education organisation learners will meet the outcomes.

Rubric one (below) sets out the expected levels of performance in relation to the evaluation question for the training scheme or micro-credential. NZQA uses the rubric to reach a decision about approval.

Rubric one: Criteria for rating answers to the evaluation questions to approve a training scheme 

Training scheme or micro-credential approved

ALL of the following:

  • Good evidence that the training scheme or micro-credential enables learners to achieve the intended outcomes and purpose.
  • Good evidence that the training scheme or micro-credential is made up of components structured in a coherent way to achieve the outcomes and addresses the relevant needs of learners (if applicable).
  • Good evidence the education organisation has the capability and resources to provide the training scheme or micro-credential.
  • Good evidence that the education organisation can manage the impacts of any specific training scheme or micro-credential requirements.
  • No significant gaps or weaknesses in the training scheme or micro-credential.
  • No significant gaps or weaknesses in the self-assessment report, and/or the underlying capability and resources of the organisation.

Training scheme or micro-credential not approved

When ANY of the above are not evident, the self-assessment or supporting evidence is not sufficient to demonstrate the approval of a training scheme or micro-credential

Additional requirements for micro-credential

Micro-credential only approved

In addition, for a micro-credential ALL of the following:

  • Demonstrable evidence that the learning outcomes and activities match the purpose of the micro-credential.
  • Evidence the micro-credential addresses the identified unmet skill needs and is required or supported by relevant industries, employers or communities.
  • Evidence that the micro-credential is in addition to current learning, and typically does not duplicate current quality-assured learning approved by NZQA.

Micro-credential only not approved

When ANY of the above are not evident, the self-assessment or supporting evidence is not sufficient to demonstrate the approval of a micro-credential.

Indicative Timelines

See Timelines for New Programme Development Submissions.

Useful Resources


Timelines for New Programme Development Submissions

Final Dates for Programme Development & Improvement Approvals for 2020


Training Scheme description

Training Scheme Application Template

Definition of non-standard academic provision

Course Descriptor Template

Course Descriptor Template with Guidance

Consultation Log Template and Guidance

Factual Summary Sheet

New Course Detail Schedule

Relevant Policies and Procedure

AC 1.0 Academic Development and Approval Policy

AC 1.1 Qualification and Programme Development and Approval Procedure

AC 1.2 Programme Regulations Procedure

AC 1.2.1 Admission Requirements Guidelines

AC 1.3 Short Course, Training Scheme, and Vocational Pathway Procedure

AC 1.5 Approval of Delivery Sites Procedure

AC 1.6 Collaborative Arrangements Procedure

AC 1.7 Consent to Assess Assessment Standards Procedure

NZQA Guidance

Listing Qualifications on the NZQF

New Zealand Qualification Framework.pdf

Training Scheme Rules 2012

Guidelines for approval of training schemes/Micro-credentials

Consent to assess against standards on the DAS

Directory of Assessment Standards

TEC Guidelines

TEC Funding Guidance

New Zealand Standard of Classification of Education (NZSCED)



For assistance with any of the items on this page contact your Te Korowai Kahurangi Administrator or email us at