Short Courses


A short course offers learning that is outside of the conventional full programme of study linked to qualifications listed on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF). Short Courses are approved by the Academic Approvals Committee.

Short courses can can provide an avenue to a greater level of flexibility and faster time to market. They have multiple purposes including:

  • Recreational
  • personal interest
  • Industry-Responsive Professional Development.

A short course:

  • contains less than 150 hours full-time equivalent learning
  • is not formally assessed, but can acknowledge completion by a letter of confirmation of attendance
  • does not lead to any award (including unit standards)
  • does not contribute credits to further study

Short courses are self-funded only and do not attract any funding from the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC). If you want your course to be TEC funded, you should be requesting a Training Scheme.

Development and approval process

Developing a new short course involves working directly with industry and stakeholders to establish the need for the development. You will need to gather evidence to support and submit a business case. Once approval is given, the development process begins:

Applying for approval of a Short Course

Applicants are required to complete the Short Course Application which includes:

  • a Short Course Descriptor
  • a Business Case

Course Descriptor provides essential information about this course and information for students. The Course Descriptor includes the following information:

  • Outcome Statement (Aim)
  • Course Highlights
  • Indicative Content
  • Fees
  • Duration
  • Entry Requirements
  • Minimum/Maximum enrolment numbers
  • Learning & Teaching methods
  • Learning Resources
  • Course completion requirements

Business Case explains why the short course is needed and how it will be sustained. The Business Case includes the following information:

  • Strategic Case
  • Need & Market Analysis
  • Stakeholder Support
  • Economic Case
  • Benefits & Risks
  • Delivery Resource Requirements
  • Staff Resources
  • Advertising / Marketing requirements

Te Komiti Whakamana Hotaka Hou | Academic Approvals Committee

Te Komiti Whakamana Hotaka Hou | Academic Approvals Committee (AAC) ensures that all applications for new or amended programmes that require external approval (e.g. from NZQA) are of the required standard and are aligned with Unitec strategic and quality requirements.  This is very detailed quality work.  AAC makes recommendations to Academic Board about programme approvals.  It meets when required.

AAC approves some internal applications such as Short Courses and Training Schemes that do not require NZQA approval.

This committee oversees the work of the Programme Improvements Committee.

Terms of Reference

AAC evaluative approach to approval

The decision to approve a short course is made by answering the evaluation questions:

How well does the development match the intended outcomes and purpose?

To what extent does the School have the ongoing capability and resources to support sustained delivery of the approved short course?

AAC reviews the information and evidence provided in the application and other information provided to determine if it is sufficient to show how the learners will meet the outcomes.

Rubric one (below) sets out the expected levels of performance in relation to the evaluation question for the short course. AAC uses the rubric to reach a decision about approval.

Rubric one: Criteria for rating answers to the evaluation questions to approve a short course 

Short Course approved

ALL of the following:

  • Good evidence that the short course enables learners to achieve the intended outcomes and purpose.
  • Good evidence the School has the capability and resources to provide the short course.
  • Good evidence that there is a solid business case for approval of the short course.
  • Good evidence that the School can manage the impacts of any specific short course requirements.
  • No significant gaps or weaknesses in the short course.
  • No significant gaps or weaknesses in the underlying capability and resources of the School.

Short Course not approved

When ANY of the above are not evident, the application or supporting evidence is not sufficient to demonstrate the approval of a short course

Indicative Timelines

See Timelines for New Programme Development Submissions.

Useful Resources


Timelines for New Programme Development Submissions

Final Dates for Programme Development & Improvement Approvals for 2020


Short Course Application Template

Definition of non-standard academic provision

Consultation Log Template and Guidance

New Course Detail Schedule

Relevant Policies and Procedure

AC 1.0 Academic Development and Approval Policy

AC 1.3 Short Course, Training Scheme, and Vocational Pathway Procedure




For assistance with any of the items on this page contact your Te Korowai Kahurangi Administrator or email us at