Timelines for Programme Improvement Submissions

Programme Improvements

Submission dates of Programme Improvement applications must meet both Unitec and NZQA deadlines if they are to be approved in time for the requested start date. The following indicates the timeline that is associated with each Type of change, and the table below indicates the deadlines for change for 2020.

Timeline for Type 1 Changes

All Type 1 changes are approved internally by Unitec and reported to NZQA. The indicative timeline is:

  • Internal approval: 5 – 7 weeks from submission to approval,
  • Post-approval: 3 – 4 weeks of set-up before the changes can be made active.(Incl. updating Peoplesoft and other Unitec Systems, updating Student Information, and in some cases gaining TEC approvals and setting fees)

The actual time frame will depend on the complexity of the change and the quality of the application.

Dates for Programme Development & Improvement Approvals for 2023

NZQA reserves the right to overturn approval for Type 1 changes if they deem them to be too extensive and request them to be resubmitted as a Type 2 application.

Timeline for Type 2 Changes

All Type 2 changes must be approved by NZQA prior to implementation. The indicative timeline is:

  • Internal approval: 5 – 7 weeks from submission to approval depending on the complexity of the proposal.
  • NZQA approval: 11 weeks (55 working days) is indicated as being the maximum time to evaluate and approve any proposed changes.
  • Post-approval: 3 – 4 weeks of set-up before the changes can be made active (Incl. updating Peoplesoft and other Unitec Systems, updating Student Information, and in some cases gaining TEC approvals and setting fees)

The actual time frame will depend on the complexity of the change and the quality of the application. While NZQA may be able to approve a change in less than 55 working days, it is not in anyway guaranteed.

Dates for Programme Development & Improvement Approvals for 2023

If there are a significant number of changes made to the programme, NZQA may decline the application and require a New Programme Approval application to be submitted.

For assistance with any of the items on this page contact your Te Korowai Kahurangi Administrator or email us at tkk@unitec.ac.nz.