Preparing a Type 2 Change

Preparing a Type 2 Programme Improvement Proposal

Type 2 changes relate to changes to components (courses and regulations) that have an impact on the programme as a whole and include change that will alter the programme approval and accreditation data held by NZQA.

Type 2 changes may also occur as a result of a review of the qualification, which means the programme leading to the qualification needs to be changed to meet the new qualification requirements.

All type 2 changes must be approved by NZQA prior to implementation. 

Examples of Type 2 changes:

  • Changes to programme strategic purpose statement (aims), graduate profile outcomes
  • Changes to course learning outcomes.
  • Add/ Suspend/ Delete compulsory or elective courses
  • Requirements for practical, workplace and education provider learning.
  • Structure of the programme (incl. programme length and structure, progression; the compulsory/elective mix)
  • Regulations, including entry requirements and provision for credit recognition.
  • Delivery methods (e.g. a move from face-to-face learning to online learning)
  • Changes that have an impact and alter the NZQA data requirements, specifically, those held in the factual summary sheet.

See the following links for more information:

Understanding Programme Improvement Request Types

Timelines for Programme Improvement Submissions

Programme Development and Improvement Approval Deadlines – 2023

Process for Type 2 improvement to courses for Teachers/Course Co-ordinators:


Identify changes and gather evidence from stakeholders.



Prepare change request including required course descriptor

  • Identify any type 2 course changes (see Understanding Programme Improvement Request Types) based on evidence from the Course Evaluation & Planning Report (CEP) and other sources including:
    • Course performance data, feedback from Moderation, Student Feedback, Stakeholder Engagement
    • Teacher Research activity, Self and Peer evaluation
    • Feedback that relates directly to the course from Degree Monitoring, Sub-Degree Consistency review, Programme review, Stakeholder Advisory groups, Institution surveys, etc.
  • Download programme course descriptor file from E-Academic Library, extract the course descriptor that you wish to make changes to and mark-up a draft of your requirements including evidence that supports your request
  • Consider impact on resources for delivering the course and the impact of change on other courses and whole programme
  • Consult with Te Puna Ako (TPA) and/or Te Korowai Kahurangi (TKK) on the content and quality of your proposed changes
  • Prepare Individual (Type 1/2) Course Improvement Application Form with attached marked-up course descriptor
  • Forward proposal to AAQ for the next PDG meeting

Process for Type 2 improvement to programme for Academic Programme Managers:


Identify changes and gather evidence from stakeholders.



Prepare change request including required documents

  • Identify any type 2 programme changes (see Understanding Programme Improvement Request Types) based on evidence from the Programme Evaluation & Planning Report (PEP) and other sources including:
    • Educational performance data, feedback from Moderation, Student Feedback and Evaluation, Stakeholder Engagement
    • Teacher Research activity, Self and Peer evaluation
    • Feedback from Degree Monitoring, Sub-Degree Consistency review, Programme review, Stakeholder Advisory groups, Institution surveys, Qualification Review, etc.
  • Regularly review Programme Regulations for currency and purpose and propose any required changes
  • Consider impact on resources for delivering the course and the impact of change on other courses and whole programme
  • Consult with Te Korowai Kahurangi (TKK) on the significance of any proposed changes and the appropriate process to follow
  • Prepare Individual (Type 1/2) Course Improvement Application Form and any required marked-up documentation
  • Forward to AAQ for the next PDG meeting

Rōpū Hōtaka Whakawhanake | Programme Development Group (PDG)

Individual applications for improvement are received from Teaching Staff and Course Co-ordinators and Academic Programme Managers.

The PDG peer reviews all submissions for development and improvement against approval criteria and considers the relationship between all proposed changes to ensure there is Programme cohesion. The PDG endorses the changes which they have agreed should move forward and consolidates them into a Consolidated Change Application that demonstrates how each adds to improving outcomes for students.

The PDG forwards the consolidated change application, along with their recommendations to the PAQC to endorse (or modify) the changes prior to them being sent to Te Komiti Whakamana Hotaka Hou | Academic Approvals Committee (AAC) for approval to move forward to NZQA.

NZQA will evaluate all changes to ensure accurate records are maintained and the criteria for programme approval continue to be met.

If there are a significant number of changes made to the programme, NZQA may decline the application and require a new programme approval application to be submitted.

Some type 2 changes may require a panel to be established to evaluate them. These include:

  • Introduction of a new subject major/specialisation
  • Changes to mode of delivery
  • Delivery at another site (incl. an offshore delivery site)
  • Major change of an approved programme that has not been delivered on a consistent basis (eg: has historically enrolled small numbers of students; has experienced major staffing changes; the current programme is being ‘taught out’.)
  • Significant change to the structure of the programme

Further guidance on changes to specific types of programmes

For programmes at levels 1-6 on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF) see the Guidelines for approval and accreditation of level 1-6 programmes.

For programmes at levels 7 and above on the NZQF see the Guidelines for approving and maintaining degrees and related qualifications.

Please check with Te Korowai Kahurangi if you are unsure of the scale or type of change that you wish to make.


Programme Development and Improvement Process

Programme Improvement submissions deadlines

Individual (Type 1/2) Course Improvement Application Form

Consultation Log Template and Guidance

Understanding Programme Improvement Request Types

For Programme Development Group

Programme Development Group – Terms of Reference

Type 1/2 Change – Consolidated Application for ACC

Unitec Programme Document Template

Relevant Policy and Procedures

AC 1.4 Change and Improvement Procedure

NZQA Guidance

Guidelines for approval and accreditation of level 1-6 programmes

Guidelines for approving and maintaining degrees and related qualifications


For assistance with any of the items on this page contact your Te Korowai Kahurangi Administrator or email us at