Preparing a Type 1 Programme Improvement ProposalType 1 changes relate to minor changes to individual components (courses) that do not have an impact on the total numbers of learning hours, credit values, or learning outcomes of the overall programme, or change or alter the programme approval and accreditation data held by NZQA or TEC. Examples of Type 1 changes:
See the following links for more information: Understanding Programme Improvement Request Types Timelines for Programme Improvement Submissions Programme Development and Improvement Approval Deadlines – 2023-2024 Process for Type 1 improvement to courses for Teachers/Course Co-ordinators:
Rōpū Hōtaka Whakawhanake | Programme Development Group (PDG)Individual (Type 1/2) Course Improvement Applications for improvement are received from Teaching Staff and Course Co-ordinators. The PDG peer reviews all submissions for development and improvement against approval criteria and considers the relationship between all proposed changes to ensure there is Programme cohesion. The PDG endorses the changes that they have agreed should move forward and consolidates them into a Consolidated Change Application that demonstrates how each adds to improving outcomes for students. The PDG forwards the consolidated change application, along with their recommendations to the PAQC to endorse (or modify) the changes prior to them being sent to Te Komiti Whakamana Hotaka Hou | Academic Approvals Committee (AAC) for final approval. Details of type 1 changes are submitted to NZQA to ensure accurate records are maintained and the criteria for programme approval continue to be met. However, if there are changes to more than one course which, when taken together, NZQA considers impact on the overall programme, then NZQA will consider the application as a Type 2 change. Further guidance on changes to specific types of programmesFor programmes at levels 1-6 on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF) see the Guidelines for approval and accreditation of level 1-6 programmes. For programmes at levels 7 and above on the NZQF see the Guidelines for approving and maintaining degrees and related qualifications. Please check with Te Korowai Kahurangi if you are unsure of the scale or type of change that you wish to make. |
ResourcesProgramme Development and Improvement Process Programme Improvement submission deadlines For Teaching StaffType 1/2 Change – Consolidated Application for AAC Understanding Programme Improvement Request Types For Programme Development GroupProgramme Development Group – Terms of Reference Type 1/2 Change – Consolidated Application for AAC Relevant Policy and ProceduresAC 1.4 Change and Improvement Procedure NZQA GuidanceChanges to Programme Approvals Guidelines for approval and accreditation of level 1-6 programmes Guidelines for approving and maintaining degrees and related qualifications |
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