Programme Changes and Improvement

Whakawhanake Hōtaka | Programme Improvement

Why we do it

Changing and improving programmes applies to all academic provision and is a constant part of our commitment to ensure that we maintain our relevancy and credibility.

Our ability to react to strategic governmental directions, stakeholder feedback, self-evaluation and moderation provide the basis for programme changes that are fit for purpose.

What it involves

Any changes to approved programmes need to either be:

  • approved by Unitec (Type 1) and communicated to NZQA (notified) so accurate records are maintained, or
  • approved by NZQA (Type 2) before the amended programme is provided to learners.

For more information about these change types see the NZQA page Changes to Programme Approval.

The process for making changes

The key feature of the process for making changes to approved programmes and training schemes is a recognition that any changes, no matter how small, affect the programme as a whole. Small changes in one course can effect other courses, and a good idea in one area could be an opportunity for improvement to be used across the whole programme.

In order to ensure that any and all changes to programmes are considered as a holistic whole, each Te Komiti o ngā Hotaka | Programme Academic Quality (PAQCs) establishes a Rōpū Hōtaka Whakawhanake | Programme Development Group (PDG) to manage the process of evaluating any proposed changes and ensuring that all change applications are complete and continue to meet the relevant NZQA approval rules as well as improve outcomes for students.

Individual staff identify any changes that they wish to make to their courses using the following resources:

Teachers then make a submission for change to their PDG using an Individual (Type 1/2) Course Improvement Application Form.

Programme Improvements Forms and Guidance

Programme Development Templates and Guidance

Rōpū Hōtaka Whakawhanake | Programme Development Group (PDG)

The PDG peer reviews all submissions for development and improvement against approval criteria and considers the relationship between all proposed changes to ensure there is Programme cohesion. The PDG endorses the changes that they have agreed should move forward and consolidates them into a single change application.

The PDG forwards the consolidated change application, along with their recommendations to the PAQC to endorse (or modify) the changes prior to them being sent to Te Komiti Whakamana Hotaka Hou | Academic Approvals Committee (AAC) and NZQA for approval. Please send PAQC endorsed applications to

The documents in the resource section are designed to guide you through the process. As always if you need assistance, contact us.

Note: Significant programme changes may require ELT approval prior to any work being undertaken for the change.


Programme Improvement timelines and submission dates

Programme Improvement Request Types

For Teaching Staff

Individual (Type 1/2) Course Improvement Application Form

For Programme Development Group

Programme Development Group – Terms of Reference

Relevant Policy and Procedures

AC 1.4 Programme Change and Improvement Procedure

NZQA Guidance

Changes to Programme Approvals

Guidelines for approval and accreditation of level 1-6 programmes

Guidelines for approving and maintaining degrees and related qualifications


If you are considering improvements for your courses or programmes, come talk with us or send an email to the Academic Approvals Committee at