Collaborative/Commercial Relationships for Programme / Course Delivery
Where TEOs collaborate to develop and or provide an approved programme, they will need to establish a formal agreement.
Establishing a written formal agreement
A written formal agreement that records how the TEOs will work together to develop and/or maintain and/or provide the programme must be established.
The written formal agreement:
- sets out how the programme will be maintained
- ensures that collaborative arrangements are clear and operate smoothly
- identifies clear lines of authority and areas of accountability.
Contents of the written formal agreement
The written formal agreement must be signed by the legally recognised signatories of the parties to the agreement. It must specify, as appropriate to the application:
- the names of the parties to the agreement
- who bears ultimate responsibility for the quality of the programme
- the location of delivery
- who is responsible for managing the different parts of the quality systems to oversee and maintain standards
- procedures for resolving any differences which might arise between the parties to the agreement
- procedures and responsibilities for securing programme approval and accreditation to provide the programme
- procedures and responsibilities for managing the programme and its ongoing monitoring, and implementing changes to the programme
- assessment and moderation arrangements
- procedures for agreeing on all necessary financial arrangements and the provision of resources, both physical and human
- responsibility for communication of all necessary reports and other information to NZQA
- an indication of the wording on certificates awarded to learners who have met all the requirements of the programme
- responsibility for all administrative arrangements, in particular assessment, monitoring and moderation
- a clear process for the review of the agreement and for the termination of the agreement, and
- procedures for the protection of learners if the arrangement is terminated.
Sub-contracting Arrangements
An education organisation can arrange for another education organisation to provide approved programmes or part of approved programmes on their behalf.
There are different requirements when an education organisation engages a sub-contractor. These requirements depend on whether the sub-contractor involved has accreditation to provide the approved programme (see the NZQF Programme Approval and Accreditation Rules 2018).
Both the applicant and the sub-contractor have accreditation:
Prior to the programme being provided, the education organisation should notify NZQA of the arrangement.
The applicant has accreditation, but the sub-contractor does not:
Before the sub-contractor provides the programme (or any part of it), the education organisation must apply to NZQA for approval to engage the sub-contractor and provide the following information:
- the name of the sub-contractor
- identification of the programme(s) (or part(s)) to be provided under the arrangement
- the reason for the proposed sub-contracting arrangement
- a copy of the sub-contracting arrangement between the education organisation and the sub-contractor
- evidence of internal quality assurance approval by the education organisation, through an Academic Board or similar facility.
The sub-contracting arrangement must specify:
- the names of the parties to the arrangement
- the term of the arrangement
- procedures for resolving any differences which might arise between the parties to the arrangement
- compliance with the arrangement and NZQA rules
- the ongoing monitoring of the arrangement and delivery
- assessment and moderation arrangements
- provision of resources, both physical and human
- maintaining and reporting student academic records
- clear process for the review of the arrangement and for the termination of the arrangement, and
- procedures for the protection of learners if the arrangement is terminated.
Criteria for approving sub-contracting arrangements
NZQA will grant approval to an application where it is satisfied that it meets the requirements of the relevant Rules in all sub-contracting arrangements:
- The education organisation remains responsible for the sub-contractor meeting all of the obligations that are relevant for the accreditation, including all relevant obligations in the Education Act 1989 and rules made under section 253 of the Act.
- There is a formal documented arrangement between the education organisation and the sub-contractor that includes provisions to ensure that NZQA is able to exercise its quality assurance and enforcement powers and functions relating to the sub-contractor’s provision of the programme.
- All information and advertising provided for the programme of study or training programme must clearly state that it is provided through a sub-contracting arrangement.
- All student enrolments are through the education organisation. The education organisation must also maintain academic information.
Useful Resources
Relevant Policies and Procedure
NZQA Guidance
Guidelines for approval of programmes Levels 1 – 6
Guidelines for approval of programmes Level 7 and above
Guidelines for approval of a training scheme or micro-credential
