DefinitionAn additional delivery site is a site, which is within New Zealand but is not a part of Unitec’s Mount Albert or Waitakere Campus, and is a site at which students will be taught in a course or courses that are a part of a Unitec programme. Additional sites may or may not be a part of another teaching institution. PurposeThe purpose of additional site accreditation is to ensure that Unitec courses, programmes and qualifications meet appropriate standards in terms of their design and delivery, and are equivalent no matter where they are delivered or assessed. Types of delivery sitesPermanent delivery site By the end of January each year, Category 1 and 2 TEOs who plan to deliver at a new permanent delivery site will be required to submit a Permanent delivery site approval form to NZQA (Client Services) relating to the forthcoming 12 months. If, during that year, a new unforeseen permanent delivery site is required, Category 1 and 2 TEOs must submit a separate Permanent Delivery Site Approval Form to NZQA for each such delivery site before delivery can commence. When the Permanent delivery site approval form has been quality assured and approved by NZQA, then any such new site will be added to the TEO’s record as a permanent delivery site. If you are a category 1 or 2 TEO intending to deliver a degree (levels 7-10) at a new delivery site, please submit a Type 2 change application to NZQA for that degree programme. Temporary delivery site Category 1 or 2 TEOs are required to notify NZQA via email to Client Services in advance if they propose to commence delivery at a temporary site. Planned repeated use of a temporary delivery site by Category 1 or 2 TEOs should be incorporated into the Permanent delivery site approval form as a permanent delivery site. The notification to NZQA to use a temporary site must confirm to NZQA the:
Category 1 or 2 TEOs must have systems in place to ensure temporary sites are suitable as teaching venues and that all legal and health and safety requirements are met. RequirementsTertiary education organisations (TEOs) must ensure that all delivery sites (including all off-site learning) remain safe and adequate for the programme of study or training provided, its staff, the number of students enrolled, and for meeting students’ specific needs. TEOs are obliged to operate a safe and legally compliant environment, which includes the equipment it uses. ProcessThe NZQA quality assurance process for the approval of permanent and temporary delivery sites applies as follows:
Changes to, or adding new, delivery sitesAny change to a delivery site can affect the quality of teaching and learning and the resources available to learners. Changes may also affect the content that is taught, or how learning is structured. Permanent delivery sites For each new permanent delivery site which they intend to use, a TEO must submit an application to gain NZQA approval for each before delivery can commence. The application must include a completed Site Attestation form which attests that all applicable legal and regulatory requirements have been met. If required, NZQA may request further information and, in some instances, a site visit may be required. Temporary delivery sites TEOs must notify NZQA (Client Services) in advance by email if they propose to use a temporary delivery site and must confirm to NZQA the:
TEOs must have systems in place to ensure temporary sites are suitable as teaching venues and that all legal and health and safety requirements are met. Planned repeated use of a temporary delivery site will require compliance with the process set out above for permanent delivery site approval. Specific arrangements for Degree’s Degree accreditation is specific to the approved delivery site. Institutions must have site approval before using any different sites. Institutions must at least notify NZQA of any changes to where a programme is delivered, including new sites. All changes need to be approved by NZQA. |
Useful ResourcesProcess
Templates/FormsNZQA Permanent delivery site approval form Relevant Policies and ProcedureAC 1.0 Academic Development and Approval Policy AC 1.1 Qualification and Programme Development and Approval Procedure AC 1.3 Short Course, Training Scheme, and Vocational Pathway Procedure AC 1.4 Change and Improvement Procedure AC 1.5 Approval of Delivery Sites Procedure AC 1.6 Collaborative Arrangements Procedure NZQA GuidanceApproval of delivery sites for Level 1–6 Programmes and Level 7 Diplomas Guidelines for approving and maintaining degrees and related qualifications
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