Update: February 2020

New releases for Student Performance Dashboards.

Please find below a description of the new releases for the Student Performance Dashboard. This includes adding the latest 2019 EPI data from the 31 Jan SDR Refresh.

We are also in the process of extending the power BI licenses to more academic staff and support staff.  Once this has been actioned, Te Korowai Kahurangi will be running a series of workshops to all users to help understand all of the reporting that we are developing.  Watch this space!

2019 EPI Data has been Updated

We have added the latest EPI data from the 31 Jan SDR Refresh and new 2022 Institutional targets throughout.  School & programme level targets will be added in a few weeks.

Link to Dashboard

New Māori & Pacific EPI Summaries

To raise visibility of our goal of parity for our Māori and Pacific students, dashboards have been built providing EPI data against targets and variance.  Māori EPI Summary    Pacific EPI Summary

Student Net Promoter Score (NPS)  

We have added Student NPS reporting into the Student Performance Dashboard which provides a one page summary of NPS trends, student experience ratings and suggested improvements that our students are asking for.  Please note that Student NPS is a strategic tool that covers the entire student experience and sample sizes are low at a programme level so should be treated with caution when filtering by programme. Link to dashboard

Student Course Surveys Dashboard

The 2019 Semester 2 wave of student course surveys has been updated to the dashboard Link to dashboard

Research Office Dashboard  

We have built a new dashboard in conjunction with Tūāpapa Rangahau which provides trending data from 2016 on External Research Income (ERI), industry funded projects, quality assured research outputs and research productivity. Link to Dashboard

For assistance with any of the items on this page contact your TKK Insights Team by email at tkkinsights@unitec.ac.nz.