Takitahi and Action Plans 2022-2023

Success starts with aligning our efforts throughout the organisation to make sure we’re all contributing towards achieving our purpose:

Led by Te Noho Kotahitanga we manaaki the success of our learners and communities

At Unitec, this alignment is achieved using Takitahi and Action Plans  – a process which is cascaded throughout the organisation as part of the annual Performance Partnering cycle, from the Executive level right through to informing contribution at the individual level (ADEP Plans).

Sharing our Team Takitahi and Actions Plans ensures a clear alignment of purpose and priorities as well as enabling more effective partnering at every level of the organisation. Takitahi and Action Plans will be added to the table below as they become available.

Important note for 2023:

Things are a little different for 2023 as we transition to Te Pūkenga.  Over time, we will learn more about the strategic priorities set by Te Pūkenga and what is expected of us in terms of the alignment of our team and individual priorities – however, in the interim, we will continue to hold to our Performance Partnering process for our direction heading into 2023.

 With this in mind, the ELT have extended the 2022 Unitec Takitahi & Action Plan into 2023, and the intention is that our leaders should do the same with their team Takitahi & Action Plans.


TAKITAHI 2022-2023ACTION PLANS 2022-2023
Unitec Takitahi 2022-2023Unitec Action Plan 2022-2023
Schools TakitahiSchools Action Plan
Enrolment & Academic OperationsEnrolment & Academic Operations
Industry PartnershipsIndustry Partnerships
Infrastructure (including IT)Infrastructure
Kura Pō
Whai Ake
Marketing & CommunicationsMarketing & Communications
Ngā Wai a Te TūīNgā Wai a Te Tūī
Pacific CentrePacific Centre
People & CulturePeople & Culture
Diversity & Inclusion
Wellbeing and Health & Safety
HR Business Partners
HR Services
Learning and Development
Student Success
Ask Me & Student Central
Learning Advisors
International Students & Business Support
Student Events & Communications
Student Support & Scholarships
Te Kaunihera Akonga o Wairaka / Unitec Student Council
Te Puna Waiora Health and Counselling & Chaplaincy
Student Events & Communications
Te Korowai KahurangiTe Korowai Kahurangi
Te Puna AkoTe Puna Ako
Tūāpapa RangahauTūāpapa Rangahau
Unitec Pathways CollegeUnitec Pathways College


If you have a Team Takitahi or Action Plan to share or update please email to learnanddevelop@unitec.ac.nz once approved by your Executive Leader.

To view the Takitahi and Action Plans for previous years:

Click here for 2022 Team Takitahi & Action Plans
Click here for 2021 Team Takitahi & Action Plans
Click here for 2020 Team Takitahi & Action Plans
Click here for 2019 Team Diamonds & Action Plans
(Note that Diamonds were used to represent the key elements of purpose and priorities prior to the introduction of the Takitahi weave in late 2019).