Supplier Credit/Account Applications
Te Pūkenga trading as Unitec (Unitec) is a Crown entity established in accordance with the Crown Entities Act 2004. It is not required to accept supplier trading terms and conditions (including credit terms) in connection with purchasing goods and/or services, nor do we agree to any undertakings such as warranties, indemnities etc. Under no circumstance should we provide information/undertake warranties, indemnities, delayed payment interest etc. And no staff names or positions to be filled in, and do not sign any such forms.
The Unitec Purchase Order with a system-generated reference number (PO number) is the only means of committing Unitec to expenditure for the supply of goods and/or services. All POs are subject to Unitec’s Purchase Order Terms (copy attached). A PO guarantees payment to the supplier, provided that the goods and/or services have been delivered in accordance with Unitec’s instructions and the Purchase Order Terms and receipted into Unitec’s financial system.
Should you be asked by a supplier to fill in a Credit/Account Application form, please refer to the attached document, which will provide you with the information we will provide, then to the extent to fill the form.
If in doubt, please get in touch with the Procurement Manager