If you missed this update in the latest Ngā Taipitopito newsletter, Te Pūkenga has shared plans for consultation on the organisation structure. Consultation will be open from Tuesday 19 July to Tuesday 16 August. If you’re not receiving the newsletters from Te Pūkenga, please email communications@unitec.ac.nz
Operating Model update: Consultation on our proposed structure
Until now, our country’s Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (ITPs) and Industry Training Organisations (ITOs) have been separate entities. Te Pūkenga is bringing these organisations together to create a network of work-based, on campus and online learning opportunities that gives learners more choice and flexibility in what, where and how they learn throughout Aotearoa New Zealand.
In order to build on the strengths of our network subsidiaries we released our proposed Operating Model in November 2021. This year, we are designing a new organisation structure that delivers the capabilities and capacity we need to fulfil our charter commitments to ākonga, with their whanau, Tiriti partners, employers and our priority communities – Māori, Pacific and disabled people.
Running alongside this is the mahi to transition some TITOs into Te Pūkenga WBL and to bring ITPs directly into our whanau. We’ve already welcomed Toi Ohomai and Wintec and look forward to welcoming all other ITPs ahead of the legislative deadline of 31 December 2022. We also look forward to welcoming Service IQ next month with other TITOs to follow.
Over the next five weeks we will be preparing to consult on the proposed organisational structure and wanted to give you an update on this mahi.
Consultation on our proposed structure
From Tuesday 19 July to Tuesday 16 August, we will welcome your feedback on our draft organisation structure. The formal name of this mahi is “Operating Model: Te Pūkenga Horizon 1 Consultation on Proposed Organisation Structure”.
All Network kaimahi are welcome to share their views through the consultation. This means all Te Pūkenga national office, Te Pūkenga WBL, ITP subsidiaries and TITO kaimahi will be provided with the proposal information and supported to participate in the consultation.
Our proposed structure will bring together Ako Networks (teaching, training, learner wellbeing, and employer functions), and regions into one transformative structure that will build on the strengths of both TITOs and ITP subsidiaries.
Because the proposal is a significant realignment of our network and for some kaimahi, and also proposes direct changes to roles and responsibilities, we will be consulting with you directly on this and welcome your feedback and expertise.
We will share more details about the consultation, feedback, and next steps in future editions of Ngā Taipitopito. First, we wanted to let you know when the consultation is happening, and what we are consulting on.
Consultation and engagement
Consultation is a specific process that asks for and genuinely considers kaimahi views when making decisions around proposing change to someone’s employment or transforming a work environment. This consultation process will occur over a four week period from 19 July.
Ākonga, with their whanau, Tiriti partners, employers and our priority communities – Māori, Pacific and disabled people are critical to our success as Te Pūkenga. Te Pūkenga ELT will engage with these stakeholders and champion these relationships throughout our establishment. We are calling this mahi, engagement.
What is guiding this mahi?
Our core principles of giving effect to Te Tiriti, putting ākonga with their whānau at the centre, embedding equity, and meeting the needs of employers and industry underpin how the proposed organisation structure is being developed.
These principles govern all Te Pūkenga mahi, including the Operating Model.
What does this mean?
We will welcome your feedback on our proposed structure in July through to August. Hearing your expertise, insight, views and voice is a key to refine and deliver a structure that sets us up for success.
What support is available?
Your leaders will continue to guide and support you throughout this consultation. The work they do to ensure you have the information and assistance you need to understand and engage with change, will continue.
Te Pūkenga will stand alongside your leaders to supplement this mahi throughout the consultation.
What happens next?
We will work with Subsidiary and TITO Chief Executives, People & Culture, Change and Communications Leads on the details of consultation to ensure appropriate processes and protocols are in place to support you.
We will continue to share information about the consultation and the wider Operating Model mahi through Ngā Taipitopito. Please continue to engage with this important pānui.
There is an Operating Model timing of consultation FAQs page here.