Change resilience webinars and workshops for all staff: Register now!

There’s a lot of change happening this year, not least the transition to Te Pūkenga. Over the next few months we are offering a suite of webinars and workshops for all staff, designed to help you boost resilience, enhance your wellbeing and navigate the challenges that change inevitably brings for all of us. All staff are strongly encouraged to attend any sessions of interest to them – and please check in with your manager if needed to confirm your attendance.

These webinars and workshops are part of a broader set of initiatives under development as we prepare for the transition to Te Pūkenga – keep an eye out for more information to come on our overall approach over the next few weeks.

Lunch & Learns – for all staff

Short, bite-sized online webinars designed to give you tools and techniques for navigating change effectively. These webinars are shared with our MIT colleagues.

Thriving Through Change
Tuesday 22 March, 12:00-1:00pm – Register here

Getting a deeper understanding of change can help us to be better at adapting and recognising why we respond the way we do. This webinar is focused on explaining the neuroscience behind stress and change, understanding why change can be so difficult for some of us as well as learning positive coping strategies to deal with change.

Resilience 101
Tuesday 12 April, 1:00-1:45pm – Register here

Resilience is a dynamic process that enables us to adapt to difficult situations in a way that enhances wellbeing and reduces the negative impact of adversity. This webinar looks at why resilience is a critical component of your ability to deal with situations that occur both in your personal and working life, and what you can do to build practical strategies for boosting resilience.

Mindfulness at Work
Thursday 16 June, 1:00-1:45pm – Register here

When the level of stress moves beyond your ability to cope, it impacts negatively on your health, behaviour, performance, and relationships. This webinar aims to increase awareness and practice of mindfulness as a tool to reduce stress, improve overall health and wellbeing and contribute to a culture of care, health and wellbeing in the workplace.

Art of Living seminars – for all staff

A series of online sessions adapted from our previously offered Take a Breather’ course. Each session guides participants to explore body, mind, and the deep rest that meditation has to offer. Each session is independent of the others, but attendance throughout the whole series is recommended. These sessions are shared with our MIT colleagues.

  • Know your Breath: Thursday 31 March, 10:00-10:45am – Register here
  • Body-Breath-Mind Semantics: Thursday 7 April, 11:00-11.:45am – Register here
  • Releasing Stress: Thursday 5 May, 9:00-9:45am – Register here

Upcoming People Development workshops

Delivered by our own People & Culture team; the following workshops cover essential skills for engaging effectively with others through challenging times.

Understanding Stress and Anxiety in Ourselves & Others: Become better equipped to deal with it

This workshop covers the A,B,C,D’s of stress literacy, including: how stress relates to emotions, mental distress and our wider health; the differences between good, bad and chronic stress; and daily practices that help address and balance effects of chronic stress. This workshop is aimed at all staff.

Managing Risks to Mental Health: Structured framework for psychosocial safety in the workplace

In order to foster the organisational culture that contributes to staff engagement and wellbeing, this workshop will: help you identify the three categories of organisational hazards to mental health; give you time to explore the potential risks and corresponding controls; and highlight what tools and support are available. This workshop is intended for people leaders, or those aspiring to move into a people management role.

Managing Difficult Conversations: Finding agreement or common ground to move forward

A difficult conversation might ensue when the needs, opinions or perceptions of people differ; it can create tension that may feel like conflict. This workshop focuses on giving you tools and techniques to respond appropriately when you find yourself in the midst of a difficult conversation.

Giving & Receiving Feedback: Aroha mai, aroha atu

Not all feedback is easy to hear but is made easier when it comes from the right place. This workshop focuses on giving you some simple frameworks for delivering feedback in a mana-enhancing way, as well as exploring the best ways to ‘receive’ feedback when it’s provided to you. While this workshop is most suited to those in positions required to lead, motivate, engage, coach or mentor others, all staff are welcome to attend.

Speak Up:  Supporting & Enabling Our Code of Conduct: Tools & knowledge to confidently speak up when experiencing challenging behaviour

A safe, inclusive environment is one where people can confidently ‘Speak up’ about any concerns knowing they will be treated respectfully and fairly. This workshop acknowledges speaking up takes courage and is not always an easy thing to do; it aims to give you the knowledge, tools and confidence to identify and address any inappropriate behaviour you may experience or witness.

Positive Change Leadership Programme – for leaders/managers

In addition to the offerings above, we will be rolling out workshops for our people leaders to provide them with the tools and knowledge to look after themselves and to effectively support their people through change. More coming on this shortly.

Whānau, we acknowledge that it is sometimes difficult to find the time for sessions such as these when we are all so busy – however, we are confident that you will get a lot out of these sessions and really encourage you to create the time and space to attend at least some of these if you are able.

Please contact if you have any questions about any of the above.




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