Te Pūkenga update – 06 August 2021
Kia ora koutou
This week, we welcomed Competenz as they joined our whānau, becoming a business division of Te Pūkenga Work Based Learning (WBL), a subsidiary of Te Pūkenga. This is a significant occasion – Competenz being the first transitional Industry Training Organisation to join Te Pūkenga.
On Monday, we marked this by welcoming around 100 Competenz people with a pōwhiri at Wintec in Hamilton, where our Te Pūkenga people are based. Speakers on both sides spoke of the ambitions we all hold for the future of vocational and applied learning before we shared kai together.
Once Te Pūkenga is fully established, we expect around 60 percent of our learners will be work-based, meaning they complete an apprenticeship or training on the job, supported by their employer. Our role will be to support employers and learners through this journey, arranging training for our apprentices and trainees against the standards set by the newly established Workforce Development Councils (WDCs) and informed by the Regional Skills Leadership Groups (RSLGs) and Centres for Vocational Excellence.
As Acting Chief Executive of WBL Fiona Kingsford said on Monday – “We’re building a connected and collective network. We all have a part to play in supporting learners and employers, but if we work together and draw on each other’s strengths, we can do so far more effectively.”
It was a real pleasure to welcome Competenz to our whānau. Days like that reinforce the significance of our mahi – but the team are constantly taking steps towards a more connected and collective network. You’ll see in our recent stories below that over the last month we have released Te Pae Tawhiti Insights Report, have committed to support the growth of the skilled energy workforce, and begun mahi to understand the network’s sustainability position.
We’ll keep up the momentum, and touch base with you again next month.
Ngā mihi nui
Stephen Town
Chief Executive |
Kia ora koutou
I tēnei wiki, i pōhiritia te rōpū o Competenz i tōna urunga mai hei wāhanga o Te Pūkenga Work Based Learning (WBL), he āpitihanga tērā nā Te Pūkenga. He kaupapa nui tēnei – inā rā ko Competenz te mātāmua o ngā Whakahaere Whakangungu Ahumahi ki te whakawhiti ki Te Pūkenga.
I te Mane, i tū te pōhiri ki Competenz me ōna 100 tāngata ki Wintec ki Kirikiriroa, arā, te wāhi kei reira te tari matua a Te Pūkenga.
I kōrero ngā kaikōrero o ngā taha e rua mō ngā wawata anamata e pā ana ki te ako me te mahi ahumahinga, kātahi ka nohotahi mātou ki te kai.
Kia tūturu rawa te tū o Te Pūkenga, ko te matapae ia āhua 60% o ā tatou ākonga kei rō wāhi mahi, mā reira rātou e whakaoti ai tētahi piatanga, he whakangungu i rā wāhi-mahi rānei, me te tautoko mai a te kaitukumahi. Ko tā mātou he tautoko i ngā kaitukumahi me ngā ākonga i rung ai tēnei haerenga, he whakarite whakangungu hoki mā ngā pia me ngā tauira ki ngā paerewa nā ngā Kaunihera Whakawhanake Ohumahi (ngā WDC) i whakatau, me te whai koha mai a ngā Rōpū Kaiārahi ā-rohe (ngā RSLG) me ngā Pokapū Hiranga Ahumahinga.
I kī a Fiona Kingsford, te Kaiwhakahaere Matua o WBL mō tēnei wā – “Kei te hangā e tatou he kōtuinga kotahi. He wāhi anō tō tēnā, tō tēnā ki te tautoko i ngā ākonga me ngā kaitaukumahi, engari, kia mahitahi tatou i rung ai te kaha o tēnā, o tēnā, kātahi ka tōtika te mahi.”
Kātahi te kaupapa manawareka ko te pōhiri i a Competenz ki tō mātou whanau. Mā ērā tū kaupapa e whakaū i te hiranga o ā tatou mahi –
engari he rite tonu te whai a te tīma kia kaha te ūhono o tēnei kōtuinga o tatou. Ka kite tonu koe i roto i ngā korero i raro nei, i te marama kua taha ake, kua puta te Pūrongo mō Te Pae Tawhiti, kua ngākaunui mātou kia tautoko te tipu o te ohumahi pūngao whai pūkenga, ā, kua tīmata hoki ngā mahi hei whakamārama i tā te kōtuinga tū mauroa.
Ka horo tonu te haere o ngā mahi, ā, hei tērā marama ka tuku kōrero anō.
Ngā mihi nui
Stephen Town
Chief Executive |
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