Calling all Pasifika staff: Register for the MIT/Unitec So’otaga

Peseta Sam Lotu-Iiga – DCE Pasifika, Partnerships and Support, invites all Pacific staff to attend the first MIT/Unitec So’otaga.

As many of you will you know, Unitec’s Pacific Centre (PC) and MIT’s Pasifika Development Office (PDO) have been collaborating organically for some time to discuss how best to work together as we move towards a more integrated Te Pūkenga.  Our focus is on the improved pathwaying of Pasifika peoples into vocational training and employment.  We will do this by promoting Pasifika to be successful as Pasifika within their chosen vocational fields.  To this end, PDO and PC are organising an event for all Pasifika staff to connect and galvanise Pasifika identities, languages and cultures that should be celebrated in our institutes. This event will look at the roles that we play within our work, moving beyond job titles to ensure greater cohesion of the Pasifika network across both institutes, and identify leadership and professional development opportunities to contribution to Pasifika success.

  • Event: MIT Unitec So’otaga
  • Date: Monday 12 July, 9:00am-4:00pm
  • Venue: MIT Pasifika Community Centre, Tanoa Room

The word ‘so’otaga’ means ‘a collective fellowship’ in Samoan. The focus of the fellowship is to provide opportunities for Pasifika staff at both institutes to connect and celebrate what it means to be Pasifika in Tamaki Makaurau. Improving the connections of our Pasifika collective will also ensure all workers know we all play a part in the success of our learners.

For more information and to register your attendance, please see the attached flyer. 


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