Te Pūkenga update #5 from Stephen Town
Kia ora koutou
As always, it’s been a busy fortnight. The first of our ‘Kōtui Kōrero – a conversation with Te Pūkenga’ presentations have taken place at Toi Ohomai, UCOL, Tai Poutini, NMIT, Whitireia and two online sessions, along with WITT happening today. Members of our leadership team will be visiting other subsidiaries over the next couple of weeks to talk about the mahi ahead of us and how you can get involved.
I will also be visiting our Transitional Industry Training Organisation (TITO) colleagues, starting with the four early movers next month and Warwick Quinn, Deputy Chief Executive Employer Journey and Experience, will be engaging with employers. Te Raurau Kaiwhakamahi will take place in seven regions around the motu in July.
We recently released draft Academic Regulations and we’re looking for feedback from across the network. The Regulations provide the overarching framework for the delivery of quality teaching, research and learning, support the activities of our learners and the integrity and quality of qualifications and education outcomes. You can read the regulations on our website, and share your thoughts through the Our Journey platform. Breakout sessions are also being held as part of the Kōtui Kōrero series and will continue with separate sessions throughout July.
I was able to attend part of the inaugural two-day hui in Wellington with our Learner-centred Design Forum. This forum brings together learner and staff representatives from subsidiaries and TITOs to share best practice and identify initiatives that are already having an impact on learner success across the regions.
Our Learner Journey and Experience team has also published a learner voice current state summary report on our website as a tool for you to use. It identifies opportunities to strengthen learner voice across our network as well as highlighting good practice.
Earlier this year, each subsidiary completed a self-evaluation based on Te Pae Tawhiti, our Te Tiriti o Waitangi excellence framework. These have been brought together into a network insights report, which has now been tabled with Te Pūkenga Council. A hui was also held with the operating model co-design team to ensure this taonga can contribute to how our operating model better supports best practice and enables excellence. Competenz, one of our early mover TITOs, is already using the framework and some other TITOs such as BCITO are providing a valuable perspective on how the framework could be applied in a TITO context.
These things all have something in common – they all provide opportunities for you to contribute to what the future of vocational learning, and the systems that support learning, will look like. I know you’re all busy and have lots of pressures on your time and contributing means finding a balance across your mahi – so thank you for all you have given so far.
Ngā mihi
Stephen Town
Chief Executive |
Kia ora koutou
He rite tonu te nui o ngā mahi i ngā rua wiki kua pahure. Kua tū ngā whakaaturanga tuatahi mō ‘Kōtui Kōrero –he whakawhiti kōrero me Te Pūkenga’ ki Toi Ohomai, UCOL, Te Tai Poutini, NMIT, Whitireia, me ngā whakaaturanga tuihono e rua. Hei te rangi nei tū ai te whakaaturanga ki WITT. Hei ngā wiki e rua e tū mai ana ka toro haere ngā mema o tā mātou rōpū kaiarataki i ērā atu āpitihanga ki te kōrero mō te mahi kei mua i a mātou me ngā ara e whai wāhi ai koe.
Ā tērā marama ka toro atu au ki ō mātou hoa TITO, ā, ko ngā mea tuatahi ko ngā whakahaere mātāmua e whā, waihoki, ka huitahi a Warwick Quinn, Kaiwhakahaere Mātāmuri, Te Haerenga me te Wheako me ngā kaitukumahi. Ka whakahaeretia Te Raurau Kaiwhakamahi ki ngā rohe e whitu ā te marama o Hūrae.
Nō nā tata nei, ka tukua ngā Ture Pūmātauranga hukihuki, ā, keite kimi whakaaro mātou mai i ngā wāhanga katoa o te kōtuinga. Ko tā ngā Ture nei he tuku anga whānui mō te tuku whakaakoranga kounga, rangahau me te ako, tautoko i ngā mahi a ngā ākonga me te hāpono, te kounga hoki o ngā tohu me ngā otinga mātauranga. Ka taea e koe ngā ture te pānui i tā mātou website, te tuku hoki i ō whakaaro mā Our Journey platform.
Ka tū hoki he hui iti hei wāhanga anō o te huinga Kōtui Kōrero, ā haere tonu ērā hui motuhake i te marama o Hūrae.
I tae atu au ki tētahi wāhanga o te hui tuatahi o te Huinga Hoahoa ā-Ākonga i Te Whanganui a Tara. Nā tēnei kaupapa i huitahi mai ngā māngai o ngā ākonga me ngā kaiako mai i ngā āpitihanga me ngā TITO ki te tuari whakaaro mō te mahi akoako tika, ki te tautuhi hoki i ngā kaupapa e whai hua ana ki te angitu o te ākonga puta noa i ngā rohe.
Nā tā mātou tīma Tā te Ākonga Haerenga, Wheako hoki i whakaputa learner voice current state summary report ki tā mātou paetukutuku hei rauemi mā koutou. Ko tāna he tautuhi huarahi hei whakakaha ake i te reo o te ākonga puta noa i tā tātou kōtuinga, me ngā mahi akoako tika.
I ngā marama mātāmua o tēnei tau i whakaotia e ia āpitihanga tētahi arotake-whaiaro i runga i Te Pae Tawhiti, tā mātou anga hiranga Tiriti o Waitangi. Kua oti ēnei te whakakao mai hei pūrongo me ōna kitenga ā-kōtuinga, ā, kua tāpaetia ki mua i te aroaro o te Kaunihera o Te Pūkenga. Kua tū tētahi hui anō me te tīma hoahoa-ngātahi tauira whakahaere kia mātua whakarite e pēhea e whai koha ai tēnei taonga ki te tauira whakahaere kia pai ake tōna tautoko i te mahi akoako tika, me te hiranga o te mahi. Kua tīmata kē tētahi o ngā TITO tuatahi kia nuku mai, a Competenz, ki te whakamahi i te anga, ā, ko ētahi atu pērā i BCITO kei te tuku tirohanga whaihua mō te whakamahi i te anga i roto i ngā TITO.
Ko te āhuatanga e rite ana o ēnei mea katoa ko te tuku huarahi māu e whai koha ai ki te hanga o te ako ahumahinga o āpōpō, me ngā pūnaha hei tautoko i te ako. Mōhio tonu au kei te pukumahi koutou katoa, ā, me āta whakarite he wā kia tirotirohia, kia tuku kōrero mai – heoi, ka nui te mihi ki a koe mōu tonu i tuku whakaaro mai.
Ngā mihi
Stephen Town
Kaiwhakahaere Mātāmua |
Transformation Programme updates
The latest news and updates from our Transformation Programme is shared on our website. Recent highlights include:
Feedback on the updated service concepts is now open:
A further opportunity to engage and provide feedback on our service concepts, which make up part of our Operating Model co-design work, is now open. You can view these in the ‘Our Journey’ platform until Friday 9 July.
The service concepts have been developed in response to the unmet needs of learners and employers and test what is possible for their future experiences.
These concepts have been co-designed with the sector, learners, employers and local communities. We have received a lot of feedback as we have progressed this work and want to thank everyone who has taken the time to provide their input and insights.
The concepts are designed to test what is possible in the future experience of learners and employers. They are not promises and do not cover the entire experience of all learners and employers. They are ideas that challenge the status quo and respond to research about the unmet needs of learners and employers.
As we move towards finalising these service concepts, we encourage people to provide further feedback.
Kōtui Kōrero series update:
Kōtui Kōrero – a conversation with Te Pūkenga has begun with presentations at Toi Ohomai, UCOL, Tai Poutini, NMIT, Whitireia and WITT, as well as two online sessions. The series is an opportunity to give people and learners in our subsidiaries an update on mahi that has been happening over the last six months and what the next six months might look like.
Following the presentations, we have been hosting a number of breakout sessions to provide an opportunity for further discussion on various topics, including:
- The development of the operating model conceptual design
- Understandings we’ve gained and work we’ve done to ensure ākonga/learners are at the centre
- An opportunity to contribute to the development of our Academic Regulations (running on a different date in some locations)
If you have not registered yet, you can see when the series is coming to you and sign up to attend on Te Pūkenga’s event page. We look forward to seeing you during this series.