In accordance with Unitec’s land sale agreement, the process of transitioning sections of land located at our Mt Albert campus to the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (MHUD) has been underway since 2018. As part of this process, we’ve received notification to vacate the carpark located at the southern end of our campus on the 28 May 2021.
While MHUD allowed access past the original handover date of 30 November 2019, they’ve recently advised the land now needs to be vacated to allow preparation work on a development in the area. This means from the 28 May 2021 Unitec will no longer be able to access or use this space for parking.
We understand this will cause disruption for many of our staff and students as it’s a very busy and heavily used space for everyone. The transition process will be difficult but we want to assure you that alternative options to alleviate pressure are being considered.
Our sustainability team are exploring a number of opportunities internally and with our external partners that may provide alternative travel options.
Our executive team are working closely with MHUD to ensure key stakeholders are included in upcoming conversations around land development, this includes our Ngā Kaitiaki Roopū.
As further parcels of land are handed over in the coming months, it’s important for us all to remember that adaptability and clear communication is key. We encourage our staff and students to ask questions and provide feedback and we will provide regular updates to ensure the information you need is accessible and clear.
To assist throughout the transition period, our Infrastructure team have provided some useful resources highlighting areas that will still be available for parking following the closure of the southern carpark.
Alternative Parking Options
The map below provides an outline of areas that will still be available for parking after 28 May for staff and students. The map also highlights further pockets of land that will eventually be transitioned across to MHUD in the coming months. As the handover dates are confirmed and finalised further communication will be issued.
Alternative Travel Options
Our sustainability team is hard at work exploring alternative options for our staff and students. The number of initiatives available will continue to grow over time.
Journey Planning Sessions
Journey planning support sessions will be provided to all staff and students. To schedule a 20 min session with the sustainability team click here.
Two-week Hop Card Trial
All staff will be provided an opportunity to sign up for a two week HOP card trial with Auckland Transport. Applications for the card can be made here. All trial HOP cards will be available for pick up from the 10th of May, please contact Maja Zidov for pick up details.
Flexible working
Unitec is your primary place of work and with the reduction in available carparks, we encourage you to utilise public transport, shuttles, carpool and WFH in line with your team’s agreement as long as this does not impact our learners, teams or stakeholders. Please take time to re-familiarise yourselves with your team’s flexible WFH agreed options and, if you are a permanent full time member, feel free to utilise these options to relieve space for teaching and support staff who need to be kanohi ki te kanohi (front facing) with our students.
Further information and guidance around the principles for news ways of working can be found here. Ensuring you have a suitable workstation set up at home is also important and further guidelines around this can be located here.
As promised we will continue to explore further pathways to support staff and students through the changes ahead. In the meantime if you would like find out any further information on the planned MHUD Carrington Development, details of the project can be located here.
Unitec has dealt with a myriad of unpredictable challenges through continuing to embrace mahi kotahitanga and ngākau māhaki. In staying true to our values we will continue to thrive through evolving times and inevitable change.