October School Holiday Workshops
Do you have young people at home who’d be keen to learn new skills in the holidays?
We offer a range of workshops for 15 – 19 year old’s.
They’ll learn from experts, and even go home with a certificate of participation. Best of all, they’re free. Instead of payment, all we ask is that you give us a koha of canned food. All proceeds go to people in hardship (including our own Unitec students).
Architectural Fabrication (5th – 7th October, 10am – 3pm)
Grow your knowledge for architectural software, fabrication detail processes and get hands-on experience making artifacts on laster cutters and CNC router machines.
Building, Modelling and Design (4th October, 10am – 2pm)
Are you interested in the design of buildings? Interested to find out why buildings are the way they are, and how to sketch and plan for what you need? Shape your thinking around design elements and learn in a fun and hands-on environment with our expert lecturers.
Intro to Early Childhood Education (7th October, 9.30am – 2.30pm)
Lets introduce you to the world of ECE. You’ll gain perspective for teaching children at the early developmental stages while exploring play through sensory, interactive and creative activities. Our lecturers will also take you through what you need to know to enter the Bachelor teaching ECE.
Intro to Quantity Surveying (11th October, 10am – 2pm)
Lets introduce you to the world of Quantity Surveying. Our Unitec students build houses on site, and we want you to produce quantities for them. From offsite work, to out in the field – experience how Quantity Surveyors get things done.
Metal & Woodworking (12th October, 10am – 2pm)
Working with tools your thing? Come work with our UPC lecturers. Get an introduction to wrought iron work while using a range of hand tools. You’ll work on a handcrafted item to take home too.
Cybersecurity (12th – 13th October, 9.30am – 2.30pm)
Don’t want your computer to be hacked? Do you want to learn how to hide your identity? Keen to help others stay safe online? With so much of our security being trusted to the cyber world, this industry is on the rise. Come join us and get started in Cyber Security.
Screen Bites (14th October, 10am – 3pm)
Learn about jobs in film and television industry. Combine creative and technical skills in this hands-on workshop where you’ll work in collaboration to write, produce, shoot and edit a short project.