People Development workshops – open to all staff

Unitec offers a suite of free, on-campus workshops to support you in the way you manage your interactions at work, whether you’re a people manager, aspiring people manager or team member. At the heart of the workshops is Rangatiratanga: Rangahia te pūkenga, rangahia te wānanga, rangahia te tirahou – Weaving skills, weaving knowledge, weaving people capabilities.

The People Development Workshops will help you to develop your communication, relationship-building and team management skills. Some topics are primarily aimed at People Managers, but there are plenty of opportunities for all staff to participate.

Developed by our own Human Resources (HR) and Learning and Development (L&D) teams, the workshops are purpose-built for Unitec, and incorporate our Te Noho Kotahitanga values and the latest best practice. The sessions are concise – just one to two hours – and will be repeated a few times a year, so if you miss the first one, keep an eye out for the next listing.

A new offering this year is our Speak Up workshop, which provides the knowledge, tools and confidence to identify and address inappropriate behaviour at work. It’s all about ensuring we are creating and sustaining an environment free from bullying, harassment, discrimination and other poor behaviours, where people can confidently ‘Speak up’.

Below is an overview of the workshops – if you click on the links you’ll find more information on the People Development Workshops page on the Nest, or you can click straight through to the registration form (scroll to the workshop you’re interested in). After you’ve registered your interest for a workshop, you will receive a calendar invite with venue details and information on what to bring.

The numbers at each workshop will be limited.


If you have any questions, please contact


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