NZQA would like to invite academic teaching and support staff from MIT and Unitec to a joint workshop on qualification system arrangements in a RoVE environment. The workshop will be held on 17 December at the MIT Otara campus – details below.
The scope of this workshop only applies to sub-degree levels of the qualification framework however the importance of pathways from certificate and diploma to degree is addressed in their current thinking.
We know this is a busy time of year to ask you to take time out of your day but your feedback will contribute to helping shape the proposal for the qualifications system, to be formally consulted on early next year.
At the workshop, NZQA will set out a possible framework on how the qualification system may need to change to support the ROVE goals of increased learner mobility and consistence of qualification outcomes. Attendees will work in groups to discuss a set of questions that may mirror key issues to be raised in a subsequent formal consultation document.
The NZQA values the opportunity to work through these ideas with you to gain a better understanding of what they would mean for you and your colleagues.
This workshop is an opportunity to input on the future of the qualification system, as well as a great way to network with MIT colleagues and meet some of the NZQA team. Note: Registrations close this Friday 11 December at 5.00pm.
- When: 10.15am – 1.00pm on Thursday 17 December 2020
- Where: Tanoa Room, MIT Pasifika Centre, Otara campus
- RSVP: Please register here to join the workshop
- Parking: MIT Otara campus map