Springing into September

It’s Spring, and a great time to come out of hibernation, get outdoors and get your body moving.

At this time of year, we usually see many Unitec teams participating in the STEPtember team walking challenge and Cerebal Palsy fundraiser, which has unfortunately been cancelled due to uncertainty around COVID-19.

In place of STEPtember and to keep us moving, our Sustainability team is going to sign-up Unitec to the Auckland Transport Walking Challenge in November… more on this next month..



Getting active in September

With no STEPtember this year, what can you do to get your body moving?

Laminated maps outside B110 will give you ideas for 25 – 30 minutes walks around campus

  • There are heaps of regular Wellness activities on campus including Yoga, Pilates, Hula dancing, Futsal and Badminton – give one a go and take a colleague along with you!
  • For light physical activity, come and spend half an hour outside in the fresh air, in our B111 garden, chatting with like-minded people while weeding, watering and mulching. There is plenty of fresh produce to share around too (hopefully)
  • Tuesday 22 September is Car Free Day: make a plan to take public transport or active transport, or you could it make a team challenge for the whole week!
  • The Strava Unitec Run and Walk club was set up in lockdown 1 and continues to be a great place to record your runs or walks, with a touch of competition if you’re into it. It gives you useful metrics such as distance run, calories burnt and duration of your activity
  • And if apps are not your thing, borrow one of the laminated maps outside B110, which give you suggested routes for 10 to 25 minute walks around Mt Albert campus. Walking is the best free and easy way to clear your mind and move your body if you’re feeling overwhelmed or stuck for ideas





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