Following our External Evaluation and Review in late 2018, the NZQA provided us with a full report which also outlined a series of recommendations:
NZQA recommends that Unitec Institute of Technology:
- KEQ 1 –Set both realistic targets and stretch objectives for achievement outcomes, particularly qualification outcomes in consultation with relevant communities of interest(specifically for Māori and Pacific targets). Ensure these are promulgated throughout Unitec.
- KEQ 1 –Improve reporting to senior management and governance on core academic matters, including regular academic progress reporting to allow for early interventions if targets are not on track.
- KEQ 2 –Undertake more detailed study into the reasons that prevent some learners from completing their studies and/or returning after year one. Ensure the academic board actively monitors such matters and works on interventions within the purview of Unitec.
- KEQ 3 –Strengthen the competencies and mandate of the academic board to improve oversight of all matters affecting teaching and delivery quality (this should include setting policies and improving monitoring).
- KEQ 4 –The academic board should consider what actions it can take to record the support needs of individual students, to ensure holistic and ongoing support can be provided to avoid either re-assessments or misdiagnosis of known barriers to learning.
- KEQ 5 –Develop a robust academic risk register and academic schedule/calendar of events to guide quality assurance processes.
- KEQ 6 –Work collaboratively with the Commissioner to advance the ‘renewal’ work programme in a manner than ensures financial viability and minimises risk and disruption to students.
- FA 1 –Develop an operational plan to implement the Māori Success Strategy. Ensure this includes academic targets to address disparities. Ensure both academic and general management mechanisms are established to monitor progress. Ensure the strategy and planning maintain the support of Māori communities, and that this can be readily demonstrated.
- FA 2 –Develop an operational plan to implement the Pacific Success Strategy. Ensure this includes academic targets to address disparities. Ensure
Final Report30both academic and general management mechanisms are established to monitor progress. Ensure the strategy and planning maintain the support of Pacific communities, and that this can be readily demonstrated. - FA5–Urgently review provision within the Social Practice Pathway to ensure all programmes can demonstrate delivery and learning options aligned with course approvals. This should also ensure assessment practices are demonstrably fair, valid and transparent, including regular internal and external moderation that is fit for purpose.A review of policies and practices regarding the use of recognition of prior learning is also required.
- FA 6–Work with the relevant standard-setting body to resolve any outstanding matters regarding assessment and moderation practices.