Definitions of Non-Standard Academic Provision

 Type Definition Funding Options Resources
Short Courses A short course offers learning that is outside of the conventional full programme of study linked to qualifications listed on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF). Short courses are approved by Unitec.

Short courses can can provide an avenue to a greater level of flexibility and faster time to market. They have multiple purposes including:

  • Recreational
  • Personal interest
  • Industry-Responsive Professional Development

A short course:

  • contains less than 150 hours full-time equivalent learning
  • is not formally assessed, but can acknowledge completion by a letter of confirmation of attendance
  • does not lead to any award (including unit standards)
  • does not contribute credits to further study
Self-funded (cost recovery)


AC 1.0 Academic Development and Approval Policy


AC 1.3 Short Course, Training Scheme, and Vocational Pathway Procedure


Short Course Application Template


Training Schemes


A training scheme is a coherent arrangement of learning or training that is based on clearly linked aims, outcomes, content and assessment practices. A training scheme may be listed at any New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF) level.

Training schemes may be local (final approval by Unitec) or formal (final approval by NZQA).

A training scheme will be co-created between end-users and education organisations in response to new and unmet skill needs. They have multiple purposes including:

  • skills related to new technology
  • updating existing competencies to maintain currency
  • skill gaps
  • continuing professional development

A training scheme:

  • can be up to 40 credits (although there are some exceptions) and has no minimum value
  • leads to an award, but does not, of itself, lead to an award of a qualification on the NZQF
  • may be assessed and may contribute credits to further study
  • may include packages of Unit Standards or other bespoke learning as required

Note: Formal NZQA approval is mandatory to enrol international students in a training scheme, including a training scheme less than three months in duration, unless the training scheme meets exemption criteria established under section 232B of the Education Act 1989 (the Act).

Local training scheme:

Self-funded (cost recovery)

Secondary Tertiary Alignment Resource (STAR) Adult & Community Education (ACE)

Note: TEC will not typically fund a non-NZQA approved training scheme


Formal training scheme:

Self-funded (cost recovery)

Secondary Tertiary Alignment Resource (STAR) Adult & Community Education (ACE)

Government Funded*.


*If courses are to be government funded, they must articulate with the TEC priorities for short courses which are:

  • learning of foundation skills
  • re-engagement of learners

ensuring the progression of learners into formal tertiary education.

AC 1.0 Academic Development and Approval Policy


AC 1.3 Short Course, Training Scheme, and Vocational Pathway Procedure


NZQA Guidelines for applying for approval of a training scheme or a micro-credential


Training Scheme & Micro-credential  Application Template


TEC funding types and information

Micro-credentials A micro-credential can be listed at any New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF) level.

A micro-credential will be co-created between end-users and education organisations in response to new and unmet skill needs. They have multiple purposes including:

  • skills related to new technology
  • updating existing competencies to maintain currency
  • skill gaps
  • continuing professional development.

What is a micro-credential?

A micro-credential certifies achievement of a set of skills and knowledge. It must meet the requirements of a training scheme as well as the following additional requirements:

  • can be 5–40 credits in size
  • have demonstrable evidence of need from employers, industry and/or community
  • typically, it does not duplicate current quality-assured learning approved by NZQA
  • consist of one or more assessment standards listed on the Directory of Assessment Standards which certifies the achievement of a specific set of skills and knowledge in workplace training
  • include appropriate assessment activities to provide confidence the learner has achieved the learning outcomes at the appropriate NZQF level
  • be reviewed annually to confirm the micro-credential continues to meet its intended purpose
Self-funded (cost recovery)

Secondary Tertiary Alignment Resource (STAR) Adult & Community Education (ACE)

Government Funded*.


*If courses are to be government funded, they must articulate with the TEC priorities for short courses which are:

  • learning of foundation skills
  • re-engagement of learners

ensuring the progression of learners into formal tertiary education.


AC 1.0 Academic Development and Approval Policy


AC 1.3 Short Course, Training Scheme, and Vocational Pathway Procedure


NZQA Guidelines for applying for approval of a training scheme or a micro-credential


Training Scheme & Micro-credential  Application Template


TEC funding types and information