Degrees and Related Qualifications (Level 7-10)


Tertiary education organisations may choose to offer degrees and related qualifications at levels 7-10 on the New Zealand Qualification Framework (NZQF). Each new degree or related qualification needs a programme(s) that leads to it, and any institution that intends to deliver the programme needs accreditation to provide the programme.

NZQA evaluates applications for degree programme approval and/or accreditation from tertiary education organisations against NZQA rules made under the Education Act 1989. These rules ensure that all approved qualifications and programmes leading to degrees or related qualifications meet a consistently high standard.

After the degree qualification and programme are approved, NZQA monitors delivery to ensure the institution is delivering the programme as intended and to an acceptable standard.

Process for Developing a Programme

Developing a new programme involves working directly with industry and stakeholders to establish the need for the development. You will need to gather evidence to support and submit a business case. Once approval is given, the development process begins:

The qualifications that tertiary education organisations can provide include:

NZQA Guidelines for degree programmes and related qualifications

To ensure the degree qualification and programme are fit for purpose they must meet the relevant criteria listed in the NZQA rules:

All degrees and related qualifications must be taught mainly by people engaged in research and emphasise general principles and basic knowledge as the basis for self-directed work and learning.

See section 253B of the Education Act 1989 for the relevant legislation on granting degrees.

The Guidelines for approving and maintaining degrees and related qualifications explain the requirements of the relevant rules and give detailed guidance on how to address the approval and/or accreditation criteria.

They also detail what information may be included in an application for a degree programme or related qualification.

NZQA quality assurance processes for providing degrees and related qualifications

Programme approval is confirmation that a programme meets the NZQA rules made under the Education Act 1989 for degree programmes.

Accreditation to provide a degree or related qualification is confirmation that an institution has shown it is capable of delivering the approved programme.

Only registered and accredited institutions can deliver approved programmes of study, including degree programmes.

Applying for degree approval and accreditation

Because the proposed degree qualification and programme are so closely associated, institutions must submit an application for degree programme approval and/or accreditation in the same application.

The application should address all qualification and programme criteria and demonstrate how the quality management system has been applied in developing the programme.

Supporting documentation for the degree approval and/or accreditation application

See the Guidelines (PDF, 1.3MB) for detailed information about what information and supporting documentation NZQA needs.

This will include details about the research activity of staff teaching the proposed degree programme.

Applicants should include a list of panel nominees, along with their CVs, in the online application.

The degree programme approval and accreditation application process

There are more steps in the NZQA analysis of a degree programme approval and/or accreditation application than for an application for a programme at levels 1-6 of the New Zealand Qualifications Framework.

A panel of relevantly qualified experts analyses the application and visits the institution.

NZQA facilitates the panel and considers its recommendations and findings before giving an outcome (granting or declining) of the application for degree approval and/or accreditation.

Steps in the process

  1. The applicant plans and finds out about the relevant requirements.
  2. The applicant develops their degree programme.
  3. The applicant submits their degree application for approval and accreditation, including panel nominations, to NZQA online and prepares hard copies for the panel.
  4. NZQA evaluates the documentation. NZQA may request more information.
  5. NZQA sets up a panel for a site visit.
  6. Panel conducts a site visit.
  7. Panel confirms findings and NZQA writes the report.
  8. The applicant receives the report to check for factual accuracy.
  9. If the report includes requirements, the applicant must provide a response to the requirements within the given timeframe. The panel will evaluate the response before an outcome is decided.
  10. NZQA decides and notifies the applicant of the outcome.
  11. NZQA publishes the outcome.

The Evaluation Panel

The panel provides expert knowledge and skills to analyse the application. Panellists must have relevant skills, knowledge and/or experience at the level of the proposed degree. This can include experts in specific modes of delivery or teaching approaches, if relevant to the application.

See the Guidelines for more detailed information about the role and composition of the evaluation panel.

When applying the applicant must provide NZQA with:

  • two nominations for each position on the evaluation panel (other than the positions of evaluator and independent chair)
  • contact details for each nominee (address, phone, email)
  • a complete curriculum vitae of each nominee, including contact details and any other supporting information as to how they contribute to the panel characteristics and endorsements from relevant bodies.

Nominees should not have been involved with the development of the degree programme; nor should they have an association with the applicant that may be a potential conflict of interest.

Indicative Timelines

See Timelines for New Programme Development Submissions.

Useful Resources


Timelines for New Programme Development Submissions

Final Dates for Programme Development & Improvement Approvals for 2020


Programme Document Templates

Unitec Programme Document Guidance 2020

Course Descriptor Template

Course Descriptor Template with Guidance

Programme Regulations Template 2020

Programme Regulations Guidance 2020

Consultation Log Template and Guidance

Factual Summary Sheet

New Course Detail Schedule

Relevant Policies and Procedure

AC 1.0 Academic Development and Approval Policy

AC 1.1 Qualification and Programme Development and Approval Procedure

AC 1.2 Programme Regulations Procedure

AC 1.2.1 Admission Requirements Guidelines

AC 1.5 Approval of Delivery Sites Procedure

AC 1.6 Collaborative Arrangements Procedure

NZQA Guidelines

Listing Qualifications on the NZQF

New Zealand Qualification Framework.pdf

Approval of degree programmes at levels 7-10

Consent to assess against standards on the DAS

TEC Guidelines

TEC Funding Guidance

New Zealand Standard of Classification of Education (NZSCED)


For assistance with any of the items on this page contact your Te Korowai Kahurangi Administrator or email us at