Our Wellness programme: what to expect, Part 2 – Bollywood Dance, Hula, Meditation


This two-part series will introduce our Wellness Programme activities and the people who run them. If you’ve been thinking of trying one of the many great activities available, read on to find out what you can expect. Check out last week’s article profiling Vege gardening, Futsal and Boot camp.


Bollywood dance

Facilitator: Urvashi Shinde
Friday 1 – 1.45pm at the Studio in B174 (Sports Centre)
Cost: $5.00

Bollywood dance is a beautiful blend of Indian dance styles including traditional, folk and the more current R&B and hip hop dance styles. People love Bollywood dance because there are no defined rules like classical dance styles. In the Bollywood dance sessions, Urvashi will take you through some basic movements and you’ll learn different choreographies. After every two weeks new song will be taught which is a lot of fun and can be recreated at parties or weddings.

A bit about Urvashi…
Namaste. I am a Senior Administrator for the Enrolment Administration team within Operations. Born and raised in India, I came to New Zealand in 2013 to pursue a Masters in Business. I instantly fell in love with the country and after meeting my husband I decided to continue on with my life here in Auckland.

I am a trained Bharatanatyam dancer, one of the most popular forms of Indian classical dance. I started learning this when I was seven-years-old and developed an immense love for all forms of dance. Dancing for me is an outlet of expression where I am free to show off my creativity skills with movement. It has been both an honour and a blessing for me to be able to showcase these skills as well as my culture with the wider Unitec whānau.



Facilitator: Taj Schaaffhausen
Thursday, 12 – 12.45pm, Basement of B180 (Te Puna)
Cost: Free, no need to register

Hula dancing is a real art and is not as easy as it looks…it can be a decent workout swinging your hips! Hula is a graceful dance and is fun to learn. We are lucky to have our very own hula expert, Taj, who is happy to share what she knows about the Cook Island version of hula.

A bit about Taj…

I always wanted to be Indiana Jones when I was little, so I studied archaeology and ancient history at university and did my post-grad in Israel. To have a career in archaeology you need to specialise and be an expert in your field, so I realised my love of books and reading might be my way through. I would like to continue my career specialising in book and manuscript restoration and conservation, and I am presently saving my pennies to do my Masters at Melbourne University in conservation work. I am currently a library assistant working at Te Puna, but who knows what tomorrow may bring!

My mama taught me hula when I was little by walking down the stairs slowly swaying her hips – I still remember how beautiful she looked. I was in a Cook Island dance troupe when I was at Auckland University. Hula is graceful and elegant, and although I think I am neither graceful nor elegant, when I hula, I feel it.



Facilitator: Nirmala D’Souza
Monday, 3 – 3.30pm and Thursday, 12-12.30, B110-2002
Cost: Free, no need to register

Meditation is somewhat underestimated by those who have not tried it; in a busy existence it helps to calm the mind and body and “re-set”. Can you imagine a place where everyone is happy and stress-free? People affect us! Their moods affect us! Our moods, our thoughts and our feelings affect us and the people around us. A smile is contagious but a calm mind is even more contagious and has a ripple effect. In the class, Nirmala will explain a bit about meditation and the bridge between the breath and the mind and then take you thru some breathing exercises. She’ll then guide you through the meditation.

A bit about Nirmala…

I am a Senior Administrator with the Enrolment Processing team in Operations. I have an amazing and encouraging Team Leader (Edgar) who supports me to run Mindfulness sessions and organise some cultural activities at Unitec. I am passionate about life and my constant endeavour is to understand the deeper meaning to this existence. This led me to the Art of Living Foundation, where I learned breathing techniques that calm and bring focus to the mind. When the mind becomes still you have space to go deep within yourself and contemplate.

I have been a meditator for the past 20 years as well as a Happiness Programme facilitator for the past 10 years. I like taking mediation classes at Unitec, because I like to see the glow that emits from a calm and relaxed mind. A parting thought: “Many little lamps can drive away the darkness.”

 Hear more from Nirmala in her ‘Get to know’ feature.


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