Understanding Programme Improvement Types

The following table presents guidance on preparing programme improvement changes. It is intended to explain what category type each change request falls under, as well as the minimum evidence of support that is required to each. Evaluation and consideration of all proposed Programme Improvements are managed by School based Programme Development Groups (PDG).

The table is divided into different sections depending on the area that you would like to change. Follow the below links to jump to the relevant section.

Course Design

Programme Design


All Type 2 changes must be approved by NZQA prior to implementation. If there are a significant number of changes made to the programme, NZQA may decline the application and require a new programme approval application to be submitted.

All Type 1 changes are approved internally by Unitec and reported to NZQA. NZQA reserves the right to overturn approval for Type 1 changes if they deem them to be too extensive and request them to be resubmitted as a Type 2 application.

Change Request NZQA Change Type The approving committee considers the following for all proposed improvements. Minimum evidence of support required

Course Design

Changes to the Name of a Course Type 1 A new name must not change the meaning of the existing course. Course names should be considered for their ability to explain immediately what a course is about. These should be student focussed and be clear and concise. A maximum of 30 characters. Name changes cannot be made after enrolments have opened. Support from  Stakeholders (Educators, Industry and Students)
Changes to Assessment Elements Type 1 May include changes to:

  • assessment type/methodology
  • assessment weightings
  • the number of assessment

Assessment type/methodology must be drawn from those approved for the Programme. The addition of new type/methodology may be regarded as a Type 2 change by NZQA. In all cases such changes must meet Unitec guidelines and take into account external requirements.

Changes to the content only to an existing assessment, such as the elements in a portfolio, may be changed without a Type 1 approval when considered and verified via the Internal Pre-Moderation process.

Evidence of need to change which may include: Moderation outcomes, Teacher self-assessment of course outcomes, Feedback, Student success and feedback
Changes to the Assessment Grading basis of a course Type 1 Allowed if the grading basis is approved for the programme. If grading basis is not already approved a Type 2 application to add/change a grading basis must be made.

Consideration must be given to the effect any change may have for existing students, especially those who may have failed the course and need to repeat.

Evidence of requirement usually from Moderation (Internal/External) or Teaching staff and consultation with Students
Updates of Course Topics Type 1 Minor change that updates course topics to industry standards are OK.

If substantial changes are requested then this may be regarded as a Type 2 change.

Evidence of need to change from industry and academic trends
Updates of Texts or other Learning Resources Type 1 Minor change that updates course topics to industry standards are OK.

It is recommended that courses remove reference to texts and resources from course descriptors and redirect this to the Moodle platform. Internal Moderation will be employed to validate updates to Texts and Resources.

If substantial changes are requested then this may be regarded as a Type 2 change.

Evidence of need to change from industry and academic trends
Changes in Course Requisites (pre-requisites, co-requisites, restrictions, exclusions) Type 1 Requisites allow or block enrolments in courses depending on the nature of the requisite.  A change to a requisite in one course could also affect a number of other courses and unintentionally block enrolments. This requires very thorough checking across the whole system.

Consideration must be given to the effect any requisite change may have for existing students.

Changes in requisites that affect entry criteria are regarded as Type 2.

Evidence of change requirement for requisite

Evidence of transition arrangements for existing students

Changes to Course Contact hours (Minor only) Type 1 Course contact hours (Tutor Directed/Work Based/Student Directed) must align with the totals approved by NZQA for the Programme. Changes to individual courses may affect this total so careful checking is required to ensure that the approved totals are not compromised.

If substantial changes are requested then this may be regarded as a Type 2 change.

Evidence of effect of change on programme totals

Evidence of need to change (Teaching Staff, Te Puna Ako and Institutional Policy)

Addition/Removal of Assessment Standards (Unit or Achievement) attached to a course Type 1 Minor change that updates course to industry standards are OK. Transition arrangements need to be considered for existing students who may not be able to undertake the revised standard.

If substantial changes are requested then this may be regarded as a Type 2 change.

Evidence of need to change relating to industry/ITO stakeholder requirements

Transition arrangements for existing students

Update of Assessment Standards that have been changed by external bodies Type 1 From time to time standards are updated by NZQA. These changes need to be communicated to teaching staff so they are teaching to the correct version. Transition arrangements need to be considered for existing students who may not be able to undertake the revised standard. External approval body notification

Transition arrangements for existing students

Changes to the Aim (Outcome Statement) of a Course Type 2 Minor change that help clarify understanding or updates industry changes are OK.

Substantial change that alters the original intention of the course may result in a new course needing to be created to replace the old one.

Evidence that the Aim has not changed substantially from the original intention
Changes to Course Learning Outcomes Type 2 Minor change that help clarify understanding or updates industry changes or incorporate new topics are OK.

Alterations to assessment to measure the new L/Os will have to be considered.

Substantial change that alters the original intention of the course may result in a new course needing to be created to replace the old one.

Evidence of need to change from industry and academic trends

Mapping of revised Learning Outcomes to Graduate Profile to ensure they are still meeting requirement

Addition of a new Topic to a Special Topic course Type 1 Special Topic courses may have Topics and Topic Titles appended to the course for a limited time, usually only for one year. Topic Titles should be considered for their ability to explain immediately what the course offers. Evidence of requirement
Change the Subject Code/Course Number of a course Type 1 Must follow Unitec Course numbering conventions and consider affect on timetabling and student information.

Changes to Main Programme which may result in a change in cost centre must have additional sign-off of School(s) Leadership.

Evidence of School Leadership & Decision Support sign off
Change the Pattern of Delivery of a course Type 1 May include:

  • a change to the semester in which a course will be taught;
  • a change from semester based to full-year or block

Transition arrangements need to be considered for existing students who may be affected by the proposed change. This is seen to be operational and requires the sign off of the HoS and Decision Support.

Evidence of requirement from APMs and Teaching staff

Evidence of need from stakeholders

Transition arrangements for existing students

Add an APL designated course Admin This is administrative and is completed as required when an APL has been approved None

Programme Design

Addition/ Suspension/ Removal of a Compulsory Course Type 2 Compulsory courses are regarded as key to meeting the Graduate Profile and are core to any Major or Specialisation. Any change request will be measured against the change in the mapping of Learning Outcomes to Graduate Profile and the effect on the requirements to achieve the award of the programme. Change in resource requirements will also be considered.

Consideration must be given to the effect of any change on current students and their ability to complete the programme.

Support from  Stakeholders (Educators, Industry and Students)

Mapping of Learning Outcomes to Graduate Profile

Transition Arrangements for existing students

Addition/ Suspension/ Removal of an Elective course Type 2 In some programmes, elective courses are regarded as key to meeting the Graduate Profile and may be core to any Major or Specialisation. Any request will be measured against the change in the mapping of Learning Outcomes to Graduate Profile and the effect on the requirements to achieve the award of the programme. Change in resource requirements will also be considered.

Consideration must be given to the effect of any change on current students and their ability to complete the programme. This includes student expectations around the availability of electives.

Support from  Stakeholders (Educators, Industry and Students)

Mapping of Learning Outcomes to Graduate Profile

Transition Arrangements for existing students

Major changes to the Compulsory/Elective mix of the programme Type 2 This situation needs to be taken into account for the above two actions. Any request will be measured against the change in the mapping of Learning Outcomes to Graduate Profile and the effect on the requirements to achieve the award of the programme. Change in resource requirements will also be considered.

Consideration must be given to the effect of any change on current students and their ability to complete the programme.

Support from  Stakeholders (Educators, Industry and Students)

Mapping of Learning Outcomes to Graduate Profile

Transition Arrangements for existing students

Change the Practical and work-place requirements Type 2

Includes and practical or work-based components in the programme (including research and the supervision of research) that are based away from the stated delivery site. It also relates to the support provided to learners by the education organisation and employer during a work placement, and evidence of formal arrangements made with employers and other organisations to meet these requirements.

Consideration must be given to the effect of any change on current students and their ability to complete the programme.

Support from  Stakeholders (Employers, Industry and Students)

Transition Arrangements for existing students

Change the Level of a Course Type 2 This may alter the requirements to complete a programme and all ramifications for progression must be considered and any regulatory flow on effects. It may also alter the relationship between Learning Outcomes and Graduate Profile. Consideration must be given to transition arrangements for existing students.

Changing the level of a course will require a new course to be created and the old one to be deactivated. All language in the new course will need to be modified to be at the desired new level. A new course number will need to be used to differentiate the new from the old.

Support from  Stakeholders (Educators, Industry and Students)

Mapping of Learning Outcomes to Graduate Profile

Transition Arrangements for existing students

Change the Credit Value of a course Type 2 This change may alter the total credits in a programme and effect the way that current students must complete their programme. It may also alter the relationship between Learning Outcomes and Graduate Profile. Consideration must be given to transition arrangements for existing students.

Changing the credit value of a course will require a new course to be created and the old on to be deactivated. A new course number will need to be used to differentiate the new from the old.

Support from  Stakeholders (Educators, Industry and Students)

Mapping of Learning Outcomes to Graduate Profile

Transition Arrangements for existing students

Changes to Programme Contact Hours Type 2 Contact hours (Tutor Directed/Work Based/Student Directed) for the whole programme have been approved by NZQA and are used by TEC to establish funding.

Consideration must be given to the effect of any change on current students and their ability to complete the programme.

Support from  Stakeholders (Educators, Industry and Students)

Transition Arrangements for existing students

Evidence of support from HoS, TPA and Decision Support

Addition/ Suspension/ Removal of an internal pathway or specialisation Type 2 Request will be measured against the change in the mapping of Learning Outcomes to Graduate Outcomes and the effect on the requirements to achieve the award of the programme. Change in resource requirements will also be considered.

Consideration must be given to the effect of any change on current students and their ability to complete the programme.

Support from  Stakeholders (Educators, Industry and Students)

Mapping of Learning Outcomes to Graduate Profile

Transition Arrangements for existing students

Change of name of programme, major or endorsement Type 2 This is regarded as a significant change by NZQA and any request must have significant stakeholder support. Requires discussion with TKK. Evidence of significant stakeholder consultation and support
Addition/ Suspension/ Removal of a major or formal endorsement Type 2 This may be regarded as a significant change by NZQA depending on the scale of the proposed change, and any request must have significant stakeholder support. NZQA may regard it as a ‘new programme development’ and require an external panel to evaluate the request. Requires discussion with TKK.

Consideration must be given to the effect of any change on current students and their ability to complete the programme.

Evidence of significant stakeholder consultation and support

Transition Arrangements for existing students

Changes to Programme aims or outcome statement (graduate profile) Type 2 This is regarded as a significant change by NZQA and will require significant stakeholder support. Depending on the scale of the proposed change, NZQA may regard it as requiring a ‘new programme development’ NZQA may regard it as a ‘new programme development’ and require an external panel to evaluate the request. Requires discussion with TKK. Evidence of significant stakeholder consultation and support
Change in the overall Number of Programme Credits Type 2 This is regarded as a significant change by NZQA and will require significant stakeholder support. Depending on the scale of the proposed change, NZQA may regard it as requiring a ‘version change’ or a ‘new programme development’ NZQA may regard it as a ‘new programme development’ and require an external panel to evaluate the request. Requires discussion with TKK.

Consideration must be given to the effect of any change on current students and their ability to complete the programme.

Evidence of significant stakeholder consultation and support

Transition Arrangements for existing students

Additions/Changes to Delivery Sites Type 2 Unitec courses, programmes or qualifications may not be delivered or awarded at any Additional Delivery Site without the prior approval. See Adding / Changing a Delivery Site for more guidance.

NZQA may regard it as a ‘significant change or risk and require an external panel to evaluate the request.

Evidence of requirement and/or completed Partnership Agreement or
Changes to Delivery Mode or Method for a Programme Type 2 Delivery Modes and Methods (eg: Part-time/Block/Full-time) must be drawn from those approved for the Programme. The addition of new type/methodology may be regarded as a Type 2 change by NZQA.

Significant change may be regarded by NZQA as a ‘new programme development’ and require an external panel to evaluate the request. In all cases such changes must meet Unitec guidelines and take into account external requirements.

Must be supported by HoS & Commercial Services. Request must have significant stakeholder support.

Evidence of significant stakeholder consultation and support incl. Te Puna Ako (TPA)


Changes to Admission requirements Type 2 This is regarded as a significant change by NZQA and will require significant stakeholder support. Any proposed change must align with Unitec Policy and Procedure. Requires discussion with TKK. Evidence of significant stakeholder consultation and support
Changes to Admission Selection requirements Type 1 Must comply with Unitec Policy and Procedure for admissions. Evidence of internal process oriented stakeholder support.
Changes to Assessment Procedures Type 1 Must adhere to Unitec policy and procedures. These include Restricted pass, conduct of examinations, late submissions, resubmission, conditions, etc. Evidence for change usually from Feedback from Moderation (External and Internal) &
Student Feedback
Changes to Assessment Grading basis of a Programme Type 2 This is regarded as a significant change by NZQA and will require significant stakeholder support. Any proposed change must align with Unitec Policy and Procedure. Requires discussion with TKK. Evidence of significant stakeholder consultation and support
Changes to Credit recognition & exemptions Type 1 Must adhere to Unitec policy and procedures. Request must have significant stakeholder support. Evidence of stakeholder consultation and support
Changes to Transitional arrangements/Modified programmes of study Type 1


Type 2

The type of change will be determined by the specifics of the request. Must adhere to Unitec Policy and Procedure. Evidence of stakeholder consultation and support
Articulation of method  to allow students to exit a programme early Type 2 NZQA no longer recognise nested exit programmes. The requirement is to map achievement in the host programme against another programme that may serve as a relevant exit. Requires discussion with TKK. Evidence of significant stakeholder consultation and support

Mapping of Learning Outcomes to Graduate Profile

 Download Table as PDF

For assistance with any of the items on this page contact your Te Korowai Kahurangi Administrator or email us at tkk@unitec.ac.nz.