Grade Point Average

Calculating a Grade Point Average

grade point average is a number representing the average value of the accumulated final grades earned in courses over time. More commonly called a GPA, a student’s grade point average is calculated by adding up all accumulated final grades and dividing that figure by the number of credits awarded. Grade-point averages are used for validating eligibility for a number of awards of excellence such as Honours and Senior Scholar.

A GPA is calculated as follows:

A+ = 9, A=8, A-=7, B+=6, B=5, B-=4, C+=3, C=2, C-=1.  D and below = 0

Course Credits Course Grade Grade point value GPA
Econ Princ = 15 credits A+ (9×15) 135 Multiply the grade point by the number of course credits.

Total the grade point value.

Total the course credits.

Divide the grade point total value by the course credits total.


Arch Context = 15 credits B (5×15) 75
Const Prac. = 15 credits C (2×15) 30
Comm P&P = 15 credits D  (0x15) 0
TOTAL = 60   TOTAL = 240 240/60 = GPA 4
= B- average

The student in this example has a GPA of 4 or B-.  (Note: if the value is a decimal, eg: 3.777, then it is rounded to the nearest whole number, eg: 4).

If a student has repeated a course, then the highest grade is included in the calculation and the other grade(s) for the course are excluded.

GPAs and PeopleSoft

PeopleSoft dynamically calculates semester and cumulative GPAs, i.e. as grades are added to the system the GPA for the student is automatically updated. The student’s GPA (semester or cumulative) can then be used automatically by the system to assist staff.

Within PeopleSoft it is possible to exclude specific courses from a GPA calculation if desired.

Useful Resources





Relevant Policies and Procedures

AC 2.1 Assessment and Grading Procedures and Regulations

NZQA Guidance


For assistance with any of the items on this page contact your Te Korowai Kahurangi Administrator or email us at