Learning and Teaching Symposium focuses on improving outcomes for students

Dr Brian Evans presenting his views of ‘the web of influences on student success’

Last week’s Learning and Teaching Symposium brought over 100 academic staff from across Unitec to Te Noho Kotahitanga marae, in a day that focused on ‘Success of all students – He Toa Takitini’.

The keynote speaker, Dr Brian Evans – Principal of Wesley College, shared his view on ‘The web of influences upon student success’. His presentation was very well-received, with attendees commenting that he was “fantastic” and set a lovely tone. Annette Pitovao said Dr Evans’ presentation was her highlight.

“He was funny, grounded, honest, wise and insightful. I felt inspired by what he so generously shared in the keynote address.”

Simon Nash said the event was very well organised and that the focus on our learners was spot-on.

“Particularly given our current learner-centric strategy and parity targets, but also because when there’s a lot of change at an organisation, it’s easy to lose sight of our core purpose, which is student success.”

Simon said the collaboration between teams helped to make the event a great success.

Attendees at the Learning and Teaching Symposium enjoying the student interview session

“We had teaching teams, Maia, Pacific, Under-25s, Te Puna Ako, Student Success, and students themselves, all present and engaged, which is how things have to be if we are to keep improving outcomes for students.”

Attendees chose from 20 optional sessions where teachers and support staff shared their experience.

Two further group presentations were an interview with current students and a discussion with a team of teachers on ‘What works for our Māori students in acheiving success’.

Paul Jeurissen, Head of Building Construction, said a key takeaway from these sessions was the importance of relationships with students and staff.

“Relationships created not just with our students but also between school staff and support services. A practical way this was reinforced to me was the support booths set up around the perimeter of the wharekei at afternoon tea. Participants experienced the personalised greeting and information our students receive as part of their education journey. This demonstrated the wrap-around support offered by the service teams to our students.”

Presentations and recorded sessions from the Learning and Teaching Symposium are available on Moodle. You’ll find links to these on the Learning and Teaching Symposium Nest page.



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