Security to the rescue… car theft foiled

Security Officer Taani Vehikite (far right) with team member Tanya Wihongi and Team Leader Clive Webster

Security is about being vigilant and having a presence, which is why you’ll regularly see our Security team doing vehicle and foot surveillance patrols – on the lookout for people who are in places they shouldn’t be or for any unusual activity. And it pays off. Security team member Taani Vehikite, recently prevented a car theft and this is one of many times he has prevented a potential crime or incident.

Earlier this month while on a routine patrol at Mt Albert campus, Taani heard an unusual banging noise while doing a sweep of the B055 carpark. The sound was coming from inside a car and he could see a young man was smashing the vehicle’s ignition. Blocking the car with his patrol truck, Taani immediately challenged the occupant. Being an experienced Security officer he knew ‘the drill’; once the ignition cap had been removed, the car would be ‘hot wired’ and driven away. The offender immediately took off, getting into an adjacent car where two accomplices were waiting, making a fast exit across the kerb and path.

The Police were notified and Taani provided details of the offenders vehicle, including the registration number which confirmed their ‘getaway’ car was stolen. In a very short time the Police helicopter was overhead and Taani was left to wait for the return of the vehicle owner.

Staying vigilant during what can often be a long day is a key skill for any security officer and Taani has once again demonstrated the importance of his role. He came across people in the process of committing a crime which resulted in the prevention of a theft and the provision of formal identification of the offenders to the Police, including our security footage.

So what else does our Security team do on a day-to-day basis..?

Some days are a little more challenging than others for our Security team. The regular routine is car park patrols, managing building access – opening and securing buildings, responding to fire alarms, theft prevention, managing lost property, helping with accidents and injuries, looking after students, staff and campus visitors.

Your personal and property security is part of their role too, so take a look at the tips below.

Top tips re your safety

  • Don’t leave valuables in your car, especially where they are easily visible
  • Make sure you lock your office space during the day if you are heading out and leaving it empty
  • Stick to the main paths, don’t take shortcuts, particularly at night. Pair up with someone else if you need to walk through a more secluded part of the campus
  • You can use the Security team to escort you to your vehicle or bus stop at night, or if you are feeling fearful for your safety at any time
  • Put these numbers for Security in your phone (monitored 24/7):
    • 0800 109 590
    • 021 610 877
    • xtn 7777

Reminder re car parking

Staff and students must pay for parking if using the pay and display carparks – the only exception are the 32 reserved ‘yellow lined’ spaces, staff only parking, in the main carpark. on the southern side. opposite the shuttle stop (behind B112).

Anyone not adhering to any the parking regulations will initially get a formal warning, but the second time will result in your vehicle being clamped. It costs $30.00 to have a clamp released and there are no exceptions.

6 comments on “Security to the rescue… car theft foiled

  1. Dora Harder on

    Great Stuff Taani 🙂 appreciate the work you guys do, always willing to help when called.

  2. Roger Birchmore on

    There appear to be many more than 10 yellow lined spaces in the main car park or has this been reduced? How about a map to be clear?

  3. Louise Coburn on

    Thank you Roger for your message. We checked and we got it wrong, there are in fact 32 staff carparks in the yellow spaces. Sounds like an increase to me!

  4. Caroline Malthus on

    Thanks to the whole Security team for the important work you do! I know you get asked all sorts of questions, often unrelated to Security, and always try to help whenever you can.

  5. Lani Mikaio on

    Wow! Awesome work Taani and your team! Thanks for the ticket when we can’t find a staff parking too. Keep extra watch on that orange Fairlady in the car park ok.Thanks security.

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