Tūkinotanga: committed to an environment free of bullying and harassment

You may have noticed some new posters around campus…these support Tūkinotanga, Unitec’s commitment to an environment free of inappropriate behaviours, where staff and students feel supported and safe.

A working group of staff and student representatives has developed the Tūkinotanga initiative, which focusses on raising awareness of:

  • what bullying, harassment, and other poor behaviours look and feel like
  • what support and processes are in place for staff and students who experience these behaviours.

So how are we raising awareness and understanding?

As well as the posters, our current Code of Conduct is being revitalised and will be ready for relaunch in early 2019. If you have any queries about this, please contact Julie McGregor.

Sonya Collie, Equity & Inclusion Manager, runs ‘Countering bullying and harassment’ workshops. They’re open to all staff; register for one of these via the Nest calendar – the next one is on 19 September. Sonya is also running workshops for student cohorts/teams.

Over the next few weeks, she is meeting with Academic Networks and Service Groups to discuss the Tūkinotanga initiative and how teams can engage with it.

If you’d like to talk to Sonya about running a workshop at your team meeting or for your students, please contact her directly.

We’re all accountable for our conduct and for keeping our classrooms and offices free from destructive behaviours.

If you have concerns about inappropriate behaviour, please speak up; you can contact your HR Business Partner or the EI Manager to discuss your concerns and find out about options available.

For free and confidential support, you can also contact Glenda Grant the Unitec Conciliator or EAP Services.



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