Surveys and Reports

Library Client Survey (a benchmarked survey by Insync)

The Library is continually seeking to improve its services and we regularly survey Unitec students and staff to help us stay in tune with their needs. Summary reports from our most recent surveys are listed below. Please contact us if you would like more detailed information about our surveys.

Client Survey 2018

See Key finding 2018 Client Survey

Client Survey 2016

See Key finding 2016 Client Survey

Client Survey 2014

Client Survey 2014

The latest results show continuing improvement in the performance of the Library service particularly in the areas of Library Staff and Facilities and Equipment.

Client Survey 2012

Client Survey 2012

This survey was carried out in September 2012, asking clients of the library to rate its performance, and the importance across 32 statements. It follows on from the Client Survey 2010 (see below). For a summary of these findings see our blog post.

Client Survey 2010

Client Survey 2010

This document is a report by Insync Surveys on the results of a survey they conducted of the Library’s clients in May 2010. Insync Surveys was retained by the Unitec Library to conduct a survey of its clients so that their views, ideas, and suggestions can be considered as part of its commitment to improvement. The results of the Library’s client survey are compared with other libraries in the Insync Surveys database, which has been built up over 10 years. See also this posting on our blog which identifies the main areas of concern raised in the survey.

More information

Please contact the Library Director for more detailed survey reports, annual plans, annual reports and statistics about the Library.