MĀIA, Unitec’s Māori Development Centre helps Māori students and their whanau develop a strong desire and passion to succeed at life and work, and contributes to the participation, retention and success of all Māori students enrolled at Unitec.
But how much do you know about them?
1. Whai ake – “Mentor – Mentee”/ “Tuakana – Teina”
Whai ake Mentoring Programme empowers and supports Māori students in their first year of study at Unitec, while being paired with a senior student Whai ake mentor of the same programme. Whai ake provides great opportunity for students to meet others across different programmes while receiving financial support for their fees.
The Whai ake mentoring programme is offered to Māori students enrolled at Unitec, and there are scholarships available for first year students and mentoring awards with a financial reward for students who have successfully completed at least one year of full-time study at Unitec, and have a committed to mentoring on a kaupapa Māori programme.
2. Kura Po – Free Te Reo Māori lessons
Sick of another night at home in front of the telly? Join hundreds of other people who have come along to Puukenga for free Te Reo Māori. Meet new friends while learning our national language. MĀIA offer classes levels Tahi (one) through to Wha (four). The best bit is they are absolutely free! Now what are you waiting for? Click here for the timetable.
3. Open Days
As the kumara vine spreads the word of the ‘beauty of the Wharenui’ there are many requests to view the interior artwork and feel the ambiance. Open days have been scheduled to informally welcome our community, staff and students, with Marae staff available on these days.
4. ‘Kahurangi’ – Maori graduation
The formal ceremony is held on the Marae, usually the day before Unitec’s main graduation. The main point of difference is that it provides graduands with the opportunity to speak and acknowledge those that have supported them during their studies i.e. whanau, lecturers and/or other support networks. While this ceremony is to acknowledge excellence and achievement, it is an inclusive event and any student wishing to attend is welcome. Kahurangi always starts with a formal powhiri to welcome the graduands and their family onto the Marae, and graduands and staff are encouraged to wear their regalia or a korowai (māori cloak) to model success.