The below messages have been sent to ākonga and the central database of employers/stakeholders. If you would like to share the approved messaging with your specific stakeholders, please use the copy below:
Message to ākonga (sent to all ākonga at 1.15pm, 7 December)
Kia ora koutou
You may have seen recent news of the new Government’s intention to disestablish Te Pūkenga | New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology.
As we work through the details of how this change will be implemented, I wanted to reassure you that your programme of study or training will continue as planned.
We are committed to ensuring that organisational changes that need to be made to meet the Government’s expectations do not impact your learning, and the skills and qualifications you are seeking.
As always, please feel free to access learner support services that you need and contact us with any questions or concerns you may have.
Ngā mihi nui
Andrew McSweeney
Deputy Chief Executive – Learner and Employer, Experience and Attraction
Message to employers (sent to the central database of employers but can also be sent from our kaimahi to industry contacts)
Kia ora koutou
Apologies if you have already received this message – we wanted to ensure all of our stakeholders are up-to-date.
You may have seen recent news of the new Government’s intention to disestablish Te Pūkenga | New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology.
As we work through the details of the steps required to give effect to the Government’s expectations, we wanted to reassure you that our training programmes will continue as planned.
We are committed to ensuring that organisational structure changes do not impact the delivery of our programmes and training for you.
As always, please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have.
Ngā mihi nui
Andrew McSweeney
Deputy Chief Executive – Learner and Employer, Experience and Attraction
Message to other stakeholders (feel free to send to industry contacts)
Kia ora koutou
Apologies if you have already received this message – we wanted to ensure all of our stakeholders are up-to-date.
You may have seen recent news of the new Government’s intention to disestablish Te Pūkenga | New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology.
As we work through the details of the steps required to give effect to the Government’s expectations, we wanted to reassure you that our education and training programmes will continue as planned.
We are committed to ensuring that organisational structure changes do not impact the delivery of our programmes and training for our learners and employers.
We will work further with you as more details are confirmed.
As always, please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have.
Ngā mihi nui
Te Pūkenga Executive Leadership Group (ELT)