As a member of Te Pūkenga whare, you can access the all-kaimahi network-wide intranet, Te Whare.
To access Te Whare, you will need to log in with your division email address and password. This should only be required for the first time you access Te Whare. Te Whare also uses multi-factor authentication (MFA). For those who do not use MFA as part of existing systems, you will be directed to set up MFA. You will only need to set up MFA once.
Access Te Whare HERE>>
For the first time, Te Whare connects kaimahi from across Te Pūkenga on the same platform. Te Whare provides kaimahi access to up-to-date information about Te Pūkenga, sharing progress around our transition, as well as knowledge and tools that will help to support us through the changes ahead.
Te Whare doesn’t replace existing internal communications platforms. It complements them with more information and resources.
ODC is on Te Whare
Te Whare will soon be the place to go for all information and updates about the ODC change programme. Information will include a timeframe for when the change process will get underway in your business area, and regular progress updates.
You can already watch a video of Richard Forgan, former Deputy Chief Executive Strategy and Transformation introducing the programme and its priority for this year.
If you have any questions or comments about the change programme you can email them to These will be addressed at regular online and face-to-face updates held throughout the year and where appropriate added to Te Whare to create a resource for all kaimahi.