Unitec & MIT Disability Strategy
In 2021, Unitec and MIT developed a Disability Strategy following extensive consultation with ākonga and kaimahi. Please find a link to the Strategy here.
The Principles and Outcomes of the Disability Strategy include providing our kaimahi with access to educational opportunities to increase disability confidence and competence. One of the key suggestions to achieve this outcome is for baseline training to be made available for all staff.
Disability Confidence 101 online module is now available on Moodle for completion
In line with this, as part of the Performance Partnering process in 2023 all Unitec kaimahi will be required to complete a short Disability Confidence 101 online module created by the Tertiary Education Commission and adapted to the New Zealand context.
Complete Disability Confidence 101 & upload your E-Certificate on Moodle
Please note that you are only required to complete the first module, Disability Confidence 101 (30 lessons).
Note: This course is best done in one sitting, and it is advised that you set aside approximately 60 minutes when you will not be interrupted. Please ensure that you click the complete button after each lesson.
Please make sure that you submit your Certificate in Moodle for recording and reporting purposes.
In the meantime, if you have any questions:
- about the Disability Strategy or the Disability Confidence 101 module – contact Donna Cavell, Team Leader, Access4Success Disability Service
- about the ADEP requirement – contact learnanddevelop@unitec.ac.nz
Whaikaha mahia te mahi
This newsletter features stories about the mahi that is breathing life into the Unitec Disability Action Plan.